<![CDATA[ Latest from GamesRadar+ in Guide ]]> https://www.gamesradar.com Mon, 10 Feb 2025 01:47:35 +0000 en <![CDATA[ Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima walkthrough ]]> For the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima side quest, you need to use your stealth and thievery skills to steal a document for Kreyzl. The document is held quite securely in a locked chest in the Troskowitz Rathaus jail, but with good preparation, training, and this walkthrough, you'll sneak in and snatch the document without anyone knowing you were ever there. Here's exactly what you need to do to complete the Materia Prima quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

How to complete the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima quest without getting caught

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima lockpicks and dagger in mill barn

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Before getting started on this Kingdom Come 2 Materia Prima stealth operation, I recommend getting acquainted with lockpicking by heading into the barn where you grabbed the flour sacks from. To the left of where the sacks were, there are three lockpicks and a dagger that you can collect as well as a "very easy"-rated locked crate. Crack it open and you'll find seven more lockpicks – if things go well, you won't actually need these, but it's well worth picking them up while you're here.

Next, head over to hired hand Hensel and tell him you want to try both pickpocketing and stealth takedowns. Again, if all goes smoothly, you won't need to rely on these techniques, but knowing about them will help if things go wrong.

Finally, make sure you bring a Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 torch with you in case you get caught skulking about at night and do not wear armor and other clothing that substantially increases your Noise stat – honestly, going in naked isn't a terrible idea if you're desperate.

With your preparations complete, here's how you steal the document in Troskowitz for Kreyzl:

  1. Fast travel to Troskowitz and speak to hired hand Zinek who is locked in the stocks in the middle of town. He asks for a password but there is no right answer here, so just pick any of the options. He explains that the document is in a chest of stolen items in the Troskowitz Rathaus jail, which is at the back of the Rathaus under the guardhouse.
  2. Sleep or pass the time by doing other activities until it has passed midnight. Everyone should be asleep by this time aside from patrolling guards. You could brew some Saviour Schnapps potions using Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna so that you can set up plenty of save points along the way to fall back on.
  3. Don your stealth outfit, crouch, and do not draw your torch when it's dark. This is also a great time to drink a Nighthawk potion if you have one, which will help you see better in the dark.
  4. Head over to the small, white guardhouse building at the back of the Rathaus. There might be a guard leaning against the wall right next to a set of descending stairs.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima entrance to Troskowitz Rathaus guardhouse jail

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. If there is a guard, knock him out with a stealth takedown and move the body out of sight. You can also try luring him away with a thrown rock or similar distraction.
  2. Go down the steps and immediately on your right, you'll spot a cellar you can go into. Grab the book at the back of the cellar called "The Strength of the Knight II".
  3. Leave the cellar, go down the hallway, and into the jail. You'll reach a junction where you'll see the looked chest of stolen goods, a set of ascending steps straight ahead, and jail cells to your left and right. Avoid the steps ahead as this leads into the guard bunks. You can obviously try pickpocketing them while they sleep for any loot, but it's risky.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima locked chest in rathaus jail

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Go into the cell on your left and grab Zinek's forged key. It's under the right side of the bed, partially buried by some hay.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima forged chest key under jail bed

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Unlock the chest and take the Offer of Hermes Trismegistus. There are some potions, a lockpick, and a wolf fang you can grab. Now is also a good time to chug a Saviour Schnapps and save!
  2. Head back the way you came up the stairs, being cautious of any patrolling guards. Wait for them to pass, then sneak out towards the tree and bushes by the guardhouse.
  3. Head towards the fields to the north of Troskowitz to get clear.
  4. Fast travel back to the Lower Semine Mill, wait until morning if it's still nighttime, and speak to Kreyzl. Tell him you have the document to hand it and the forged key over in exchange for 45 groschen, a book called "With the silence of a cat I", and improvements to Stealth and Thievery.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima Henry getting rewards from Kreyzl

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

With the letter handed over to Kreyzl, that's the end of the Materia Prima quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Assuming you followed the steps in this guide, you should have 10 lockpicks, 45 groschen, two books, and a few potions and other bits to show for your efforts. You can study The Strength of the Knight II and With the silence of a cat I to increase your Strength and Stealth respectively and then sell both.

Completing Materia Prima also means you've started the miller's path for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest, so if you keep asking Kreyzl for work, he'll eventually get you into the wedding. However, if you’re past that point and have completed the Kingdom Come Delivernace 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls quest, you can still follow Kreyzl's weird questline for some rewards.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-materia-prima/ PsMCrza5PTgU3kQyRwL2Ym Fri, 07 Feb 2025 14:24:13 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best armor ]]> So you want to know how to get Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's best armor? Well, there's not a singular set you're looking for - in this case, you'll be looking for disparate pieces that combine into a set of plate armor with unrivalled defensive stats. That being said, armor in KCD2 serves a specific purpose - protecting you in battle, of course - but that doesn't mean you'll always want to be wearing it. Plate armor makes you noisy (which is bad for stealth), and depending on how blood-spattered it is, it may affect your charisma and speech checks with NPCs. Still, if you want to go in for full protection, here's how to construct the best plate armor set in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and its location in the world.

How to get the best armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The best armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The best armor in KCD2 is made out of the following pieces:

  • Brocade Hood
  • Noble Bascinet
  • Mail Hood with Coat of Arms
  • Aketon Short
  • Hauberk long
  • Riding Waffenrock
  • Milanese Cuirass
  • Nuremberg Gauntlets
  • Nuremberg Plate Gauntlets
  • Noble's Plate Legs

It goes without saying that you'll want to get all of these at gold quality, as that will massively increase their stats. With these pieces combined though, you'll be as durable as it's possible to be in KCD2 (though the hood and waffenrock barely make any difference and are mostly there to add visual flourish and secondary stat bonuses).

The best armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

To get this armor, you need to reach the second region of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 map and go to the city of Kuttenberg to the East. At the map location shown above you'll find an Armorer by the name of Master Nicholas Krondel who will sell you all of the plate pieces.

However, be warned: they're incredibly expensive, with some individual pieces costing over 5000 Groschen. The whole ensemble will cost well over 20,000 Groschen, even if you haggle but don't lose hope: it's possible to find random bandits and enemies with pieces of that gear throughout the game. It's rare, but it does happen, and either way it works out: sell the second-tier armor you find off them to afford the set above, or just use any armor that fits into the outfit we've outlined. In fact, selling these high value armor pieces is basically the best late-game Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money farm, so it's just good practice at this point.

Want to find some solid armor before that point? We've outlined where to find all the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor locations, or check out how to pair your kickass armor with the best weapon in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-armor-best/ 46ERqhR4UQ5gQiypc7ftUU Fri, 07 Feb 2025 11:29:49 +0000
<![CDATA[ The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats and codes for PC ]]> The Sims 2 cheat codes allow you to have even greater control over your Sims, their environments, and their worlds. And thanks to The Sims Legacy Collection, a re-release of The Sims 1 and 2 to celebrate the franchise's 25th birthday, we're blowing the dust off the ol' cheat sheet for a new generation.

The Sims 2 was the first game in the series to introduce the motherlode money cheat code we still use in The Sims 4, but this is just one of the many useful cheats available in The Sims 2. Whether you want to force a twin pregnancy, kidnap neighbors for your household, or even control aging, The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheat codes allow you to further mold your virtual experience to your liking.

Our guide below lays out every cheat code we know works with The Sims 2 Legacy Collection (we've tested them), alongside some handy cheat tips to make the most of them. Just picked up the re-release? Check out our guide to The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats, too.

How to enable The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

Type your cheats into the expandable cheat console (Image credit: EA)

To enable cheats in The Sims 2 Legacy Collection, press Ctrl, Shift, and C on your keyboard – this method is the same as every other The Sims game on PC. This brings up the cheat console text box in the top-left corner of your screen. To enter a cheat, type it in as below, then press Enter. If the cheat is successful you'll see your changes in the game, but if it's typed incorrectly or isn't a working code, an "Error in cheat" message appears in the text box.

To expand the cheat console, input "expand" and press Enter; to close the console, input "exit" and press Enter.

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Money Cheats

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

There are easier ways to get money (Image credit: EA)
  • Kaching - Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your funds
  • Motherlode - Adds 50,000 Simoleons to your funds
  • FamilyFunds [family name] [value] - For example, "familyfunds cordial 100000;" sets your household's funds to a specific value
  • FamilyFunds [family name] [+/-][value] - For example, "familyfunds cordial +10000;" adds or subtracts from household's funds

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Sim and Household Cheats

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

He begs for death (Image credit: EA)
  • AddNeighborToFamilyCheat [on/off] - When on, you can add neighbors to your household by clicking on them. This doesn't work on service NPCs while they're working or special NPCs like the Grim Reaper. Allows you to add more than the usual eight-Sim household limit
  • AgeSimsCheat [on/off] - When enabled, you can select a Sim and "Set age" to Toddler, Child, Teen, Adult, or Elder
  • Aging [on/off] - Turns Sim aging on or off
  • AspirationLevel [0-5] - Sets the aspiration level of the selected Sim, five is highest and zero the lowest
  • AspirationPoints [0-100000] - Gives your selected Sim the inputted number of aspiration points. We found you can comfortably go to 100,000, but this cheat can bug if overused or you go above that, resetting the points to zero and disabling you from adding any points with the cheat
  • Forcetwins - Select a pregnant Sim and enter to turn pregnancy into twin birth
  • DisablePuppyKittenAging [on/off] - Enables and disables puppies and kittens aging
  • PlumbBobToggle [on/off] - Plumbob above Sims head disappears when on
  • LockAspiration [on/off] - Locks and unlocks the aspiration score of Sims on the lot
  • MaxMotives - Maximizes motives of all Sims on the lot
  • MotiveDecay [on/off] - Enables and disables motive decay for all Sims on the lot
  • StretchSkeleton [number] - Stretches Sim; the higher the number the longer the Sim and the smaller the shorter (1.0 is default)
  • ShowHeadlines [on/off] - Hides all thought bubbles and speech balloons
  • UnlockCareerRewards - Unlocks all career reward items for a Sim

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Neighborhood and Lot Cheats

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

Smooth out your neighborhood (Image credit: EA)
  • DeleteAllCharacters - Deletes all characters in the current neighborhood; only works when in neighborhood view
  • ChangeLotClassification [low/middle/high] - Changes classification of current lot
  • ChangeLotZoning [residential / community / greek / dorm / secretsociety / secretvacationlot / hotel / secrethobbylot / apartmentbase / apartmentsublot / secretwitchlot] - Changes lot zoning type
  • ClearLotClassValue - Clears lot class value and overrides flag
  • TerrainType [Temperate / Desert / Dirt / Concrete] - Changes neighborhood terrain type; use in neighborhood view
  • DumpNPCCount - Tells you the number of service NPCs in the current neighborhood per type
  • ModifyNeighborhoodTerrain [on/off] - Toggles neighborhood terrain modification; when enabled, select terrain with cursor, and then use use P, /, and \ to adjust
  • PrintLotClass [low/middle/high] - Prints lot class
  • Boolprop displayLotImposters [true/ false] - Setting to false removes house graphics from neighborhood view
  • Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads [true/false] - True shows roads in neighborhoods, false hides them
  • IntProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [number] - Use in neighborhood view increase number of guests a lot can have
  • Boolprop lotTerrainPaints [true/false] - Setting to false removes terrain paints from lot
  • Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true/false] - Setting to false removes neighborhood bridges
  • Boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora [true/false] - Setting to false removes neighborhood plants and trees
  • Boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps [true/false] - Setting to false remove's neighborhood props
  • boolprop lotWater [true/false] - Lot water (like ponds) is visible or invisible
  • SetLotLightingFile [filename.txt/clear] - For example, "SetLotLightingFile Downtown_Lot.txt;" override some lighting parameters and uses lighting of the specified lot or you can use clear to reset it

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Build Cheats

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

Cheats allow you more control over building (Image credit: EA)
  • DeleteAllAwnings - Remove all awnings
  • DeleteAllFences - Remove all fences
  • DeleteAllHalfwalls - Remove all deletable half walls
  • DeleteAllObjects [doors/windows/stairs] - Deletes all of specified object
  • DeleteAllWalls - Remove all deletable walls
  • RoofSlopeAngle [15-75] - Slopes roof angle in degrees (45 is default)
  • BoolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false] - When enabled, snaps objects to lot grid
  • SetHighestAllowedLevel [3-255] - Allows you to build more floors, enter in neighborhood view (can crash game if you add too many)
  • SetQuarterTilePlacement [on/off] - Turns quarter tile placement on or off

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Visual and Filmmaking Cheats

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

True cinema (Image credit: EA)
  • BoolProp enablePostProcessing [true/false] - This must be set to true to allow the following cheats to work
  • Bloom [R G B X] - For example, "bloom 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.7;" changes screen visual color, RGB controls colors red, green, and blue, and X controls bloom amount
  • FilmGrain [X] - Adds film grain to screen visuals, X is the film grain value (0 is default)
  • LetterBox [0.0-0.4] - Adds black borders to top and bottom of screen (0 is default)

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Miscellaneous Gameplay Cheats

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

Taking out the trash for good (Image credit: EA)
  • SetHour [0-23] - Sets time
  • AutoPatch [-on/-off] - When enabled, your game checks for available patches; ensure you use the hyphen before on or off and leave a space between "patch" and the hyphen
  • BugJarTimeDecay [on/off] - When disabled (off) bugs can live forever
  • Expand - Makes cheat console bigger or smaller
  • Exit - Exit cheat console
  • Help - Shows a list of working cheats
  • FaceBlendLimits [-on/-off] - Enables and disables facial blending limits
  • Moveobjects [on/off] - When enabled you can move objects you usually can't, like mailboxes, trash cans and Sims; you can use this to delete, too
  • Vignette [X, Y, Z] - For example, "vignette 100 100 100;" adds vignette/blur to visuals from specified center, X is upper left, Y is lower right and Y is amount of blur
  • Vsync [on/off] - Setting to off improves game performance at the cost of graphics
  • Slowmotion [0-8] - Higher number makes game slower (0 is default)
  • TextDebugging [true/false] - Toggles text debugging
  • Boolprop testingcheatsenabled [true/false] - Opens up more cheat options, but can cause a lot of issues

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Cheat Tips

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection cheats

Make your Sims' lives easier (Image credit: EA)
  • In some cases, if you start typing in a cheat code, you can press Tab and the console will fill in the rest. You just need to add the "true/false" or "on/off" to relevant cheats.
  • Use the Move_objects on cheat to delete bills, trash, and more. You can even use it to delete Sims, but unlike The Sims 1, this doesn't boost their mood and you need to leave the lot and return for the Sim to come back.
  • Be aware that using The Sims 2 cheats can cause in-game issues, especially if you use a lot, so be cautious.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-2-legacy-collection-cheats/ iREmPTLskiz2sadEr4LCo6 Thu, 06 Feb 2025 17:31:44 +0000
<![CDATA[ The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats and codes for PC ]]> The Sims 1 cheats allowed us to make Maxis' (often punishing) life simulator much easier, but little did we know we'd be dusting off some of these classic cheats over two decades later thanks to The Sims: Legacy Collection, a re-release of the first two games to mark the franchise's 25th birthday.

If you spent countless hours with The Sims 1, you likely remember some cheats through sheer muscle memory. The Rosebud money code, which quickly increases your funds (AKA Simoleons), remains imprinted in players' brains, while other classic codes, like move_objects, are great at dealing with pesky things like bills and trash. Don't worry; you won't need to remember them all, because our The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats guide lists the cheats we've confirmed work with the re-release – as some original cheats aren't valid with this version. So, whether you're new to The Sims 1 or a returning player, these cheat codes give you even greater control over the life sim.

How to enable The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats

Enter the below codes in the highlighted box here (Image credit: EA)

Just like in the original The Sims 1 game and more recent releases, you can access the cheat console by holding Ctrl and Shift, then selecting C on your keyboard.

A text box appears in the top-left-hand corner of your screen where you can now input your cheat code. Press Enter to confirm the cheat code and, if it's successful, you'll see your relevant changes in-game. If your cheat code is entered incorrectly, you'll get a pop-up that says, "Sorry, no such cheat!" In some cases, the pop-up may prompt you for more detail, like a number, indicating that the cheat code is right, but perhaps the format isn't.

If you want to input more than one cheat at once, simply insert a semicolon (;) between each cheat code and press Enter when you're done. To repeat the last cheat you entered, without typing it out again, type an exclamation mark (!) into the text box and press Enter.

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection Money Cheats

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats

Time to splash out on some big ticket items (Image credit: EA)
  • Rosebud - Gives you 1,000 Simoleons (every ;! after it adds another 1,000 Simoleons)
  • Rosebud;!;!;!;! - Gives you 5,000 Simoleons
  • Rosebud ;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;! - Gives you 10,000 Simoleons

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection Sim Cheats

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats

Bella chooses violence, who knew? (Image credit: EA)
  • Interests - Shows interests of selected Sim
  • Sim_speed [-1000 to 1000] - For example, "Sim_speed 1000;" alters Sim's movement speed, with -1000 super slow and 1000 super fast
  • Autonomy [1-100] - For example, "Autonomy 100;" controls level of free thinking, with 100 giving your Sims the highest level of control over themselves
  • Bubble_tweak (number) - Sets, in pixels, how far a thought bubble appears from a Sim’s head
  • History - Saves your family history file, which you can find under FamilyHistory.txt
  • Sim_log begin - Starts Sim logging
  • Sim_log end - Ends Sim logging

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection World and Environment Cheats

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats

No mailbox, no bills (Image credit: EA)
  • Set_hour [1-24] - For example, "Set_hour 23" to set to 11pm; sets in-game time
  • Move_objects on - Enables free object movement, letting you delete trash, bills, and more
  • Move_objects off - Disables free object movement
  • Genable objects on - In-world objects (like radios, lamps, etc) are visible
  • Genable objects off - In-world objects are invisible (but still exist)
  • Genable default - All Genable settings return to default
  • Genable terrain on - Terrain is visible
  • Genable terrain off - Terrain is invisible (but still exists)
  • Genable walls on - Walls are visible
  • Genable walls off - Walls are invisible (but still exist)
  • Genable floors on - Floors are visible
  • Genable floors off - Floors are invisible (but still exist)
  • Genable people on - Sims are visible
  • Genable people off - Sims are invisible (but still exist)
  • Genable clear/full_draw/static/old_clear/static rows on/off -(No visible in-game changes)
  • Genable all on - All the above are visible
  • Genable all off - All the above are invisible (everything disappears, but still exists)
  • Genable status - See genable status of all houseviewer models
  • Rotation [0-3] - For example, "Rotation 3;" rotates camera, 0 is normal
  • Prepare_lot - Scans your lot and tells you if you are missing any key items, like a mailbox, and tries to repair any issues; this won't replace objects deleted with move_objects on in our experience
  • Draw_all_frames on - Enables draws all frames
  • Draw_all_frames off - Disables draws all frames
  • Draw_floorable on - Enables floorable grid
  • Draw_floorable off - Disables floorable grid
  • Map_edit on - Enables map editor
  • Map_edit off - Disables map editor

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection Miscellaneous Cheats

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats

Blink and you'll miss it... (Image credit: EA)
  • Nessie - The Loch Ness Monster appears in the water when in Downtown, Old Town, or Vacation neighborhood view
  • Log_mask [number] - Sets event logging mask
  • Route_balloons on - Enables routing debug balloons
  • Route_balloons off - Disables routing debug balloons
  • Sweep on - Shows in-game bottom bar
  • Sweep off - Hides in-game bottom bar
  • Tile_info on - Tile information visible
  • Tile_info off - Tile information hidden

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection Cheat Tips

The Sims 1 Legacy Collection cheats

Goodbye, Bella (Image credit: EA)

Armed with the cheat codes above (and years of experience), here are some of our top cheat tips for The Sims 1.

How to refill your Mood bars (or just delete your Sim)

In The Sims 1, you could use the move_objects on cheat to simply delete a Sim through Buy or Build Mode. You can't outright do that now, but there is a way around it to get rid of a pesky Sim or to give your Sim a serious mood boost. Have the Sim sit on a chair, then delete the chair; this deletes the Sim and the chair. To bring your Sim back, click their portrait, and they'll return with full Mood bars. This is a great way to get promotions quickly.

How to delete bills

Enabling the move_objects on cheat means you can delete annoying bills via the Buy or Build Mode. To avoid bills completely, delete your mailbox.

How to avoid missing work

This tip also utilizes the move_objects on cheat. Place an object in the middle of the road, to block the way ahead for your carpool. The car won't be able to go anywhere and you can jump in, even if you're a little bit late. Just delete the object when you're done, so the car can move off as normal.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-1-legacy-collection-cheats/ RVUTqYUDNZTCUEioUj2N9J Thu, 06 Feb 2025 17:31:35 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to play the second Monster Hunter Wilds beta ]]> The second Monster Hunter Wilds beta is live now for all players on PS5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam, completely free and lasting for a few days. In it, players will have the chance to experience the opening of the story of Monster Hunter Wilds for themselves – as well as fight the various monsters within it. If you want to know how to play the Monster Hunter Wilds beta, when it's live, and more besides, then here's everything you need to know.

When is the Monster Hunter Wilds beta?

A screenshot of the details for the second open beta for Monster Hunter Wilds.

(Image credit: Capcom)

The second Monster Hunter Wilds beta will take place in two stages, the first of which is due to go live shortly at the time of writing.

The previous beta was an exclusive PlayStation Plus Early Access Play period for PS5, followed by a full open beta period for PS5, Xbox Series, and PC players via Steam. However, the second Monster Hunter Wilds beta is open to everyone.

The dates and times for the second beta are as follows:

  • February 6 - February 9, 2025 open beta
    US: February 6 @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST - February 9 @ 6:59pm PST / 9:59pm EST
    UK: February 7 @ 3am GMT - February 10 @ 2:59am GMT
  • February 13 - February 16, 2025 open beta
    US: February 13 @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST - February 16 @ 6:59pm PST / 9:59pm EST
    UK: February 14 @ 3am GMT - February 17 @ 2:59 GMT

How to access the Monster Hunter Wilds open beta

Monster Hunter Wilds open beta

(Image credit: Capcom)

In order to access the Monster Hunter Wilds second open beta, you will need to head over to either your PC, PS5, or Xbox Series X. From there, you'll need to access your platform of choice's storefront and download the open beta client.

No sign-ups, pre-orders, or beta keys are required here. However, a pre-load will be available on all platforms 24 hours ahead of each of their respective start times. That means you can get as much time as possible with the open beta, so be sure to prepare ahead of your chosen platform's launch time.

What's included in the Monster Hunter Wilds beta?

Monster Hunter Wilds open beta

(Image credit: Capcom)

You'll kick off the Monster Hunter Wilds beta with access to Character Creation, with all of the features that will be available in the final release of the game. You can use this to design your hunter and Palico, and are able to remake your character as often as you like during the beta to perfect your look. Furthermore, your Character Creation data carries over to the full game, so you can jump straight into your adventure when that launches.

With your character created, you can watch the opening cutscene and then play the tutorial which will guide you through a Chatacabra hunt, so you can get to grips with the weapons and mechanics. You can then move into the open world to take on a Doshaguma hunt, where you goal is to eliminate the alpha of the pack, while exploring the vast area riding your Seikret.

The new content in the second beta also includes the following:

  • Flagship monster Arkveld and returning monster Gypceros
  • The Training Area
  • Private lobbies (allowing a maximum of 16 players)
  • Online single player

Rewards for taking part in the second Monster Hunter Wilds beta

Monster Hunter Wilds open beta

(Image credit: Capcom)

All players who take part in the Monster Hunter Wilds beta will receive the Open Beta Test Bonus Pendant pictured above, to attach to your hunter. They will also receive the Open Beta 2 Test Bonus Item Pack, which includes the following:

  • Raw Meat x 10
  • Shock Trap x 3
  • Pitball Trap x 3
  • Tranq Bomb x 10
  • Large Barrel Bomb x 3
  • Armor Sphere x 5
  • Flash Pod x 10
  • Large Dung Pod x 10

The good news is that you can get these rewards as soon as your character is created, so don't worry about any content being unlocked under playtime restrictions. Also, if you played the first open beta, you'll receive an extra item once the full game is released.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/monster-hunter-wilds-beta-second-how-to-access/ 5A5uLsBgoH4qUCjkX4zpX6 Thu, 06 Feb 2025 11:47:12 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get a torch in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and use it ]]> A Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 torch isn't just for illumination - it also serves to make you look a lot less guilty. Characters in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are expected to have torches out and equipped when in settlements at night, as skulking around in the dark is viewed as inherently suspicious. With that in mind, those who want to see the light and appeal to the law will find some merit in our guide below, where we explain how to equip a torch Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and how to use it.

Where to get a Torch in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Torch

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Torches in KCD2 can be found on most bandit enemies and indeed most combatant enemies as a rule, such as guards and soldiers. That doesn't mean you have to kill them (though that obviously works) - pickpocketing will also serve to take it off them, if you want to take the risk.

Beyond that, Torches are reliably sold by Traders, who will have at least one Torch in stock. You can find Traders in most major settlements, and indeed many non-trader merchants can sometimes have torches on them.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Torch

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Once you have a Torch, go into your inventory and make sure you equip it to Henry. Then, when you want to actually use it, hold the down button on the D-Pad to toggle that torch. It's always carried in your off-hand but can't be used as a weapon, meaning that fighting with a torch out always limits you to certain gear (for example, you can't have a torch and shield at once).

As mentioned, Torches are expected from any character in a settlement, town or village after dark (if they're outside), as trying to hide in the dark is seen as very suspicious. If a guard sees you, they'll warn you to equip a torch immediately, or will potentially turn aggressive. Of course, having a torch lit makes you a lot less stealthy, so if you are doing something suspicious, such as skulking about Troskowitz for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima quest, you'll want to work under cover of shadow.

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https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-torch/ N8rGMHZVMctWQF6KrVfCsQ Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:27:40 +0000
<![CDATA[ What to do first in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 for the best start ]]> Knowing what to do first in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is quite tricky considering Henry has clear goals but also needs to get money, food, and shelter to survive. The best thing to do is forget the main quest for now and focus purely on building up some supplies and cash for Henry. Then you can start branching out, getting things like a horse and taking on side quests to prepare yourself for the wedding and the main quest. If you're wondering what to do first in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 now that you're free to explore outside Troskowitz, I've laid out a list of things you should prioritize to get off to the best start.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 things to do first

Kingdom Come Deliverance what to do first speak to Bara

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

The first thing you should do is read our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips and tricks to get some general advice about how to handle the game. Although, if you're after specific activities and quests to pursue immediately after getting out of the pillory, here's what I recommend doing in roughly this order:

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Speak to Bara and ask about Tomcat. This'll begin the Combat Training 1 side quest which will help you learn the basics of sword fighting, but I'll come back to this later.
  2. Ask Bara for help. Ask about money and she'll give you 5 groschen – better than nothing. Ask about something to wear and say you need armor to get a lockpick from her which you can use to steal a set of armor in the Troskowitz Rathaus. If you pre-ordered the game, now is a good time to speak to scribe Gaibl to begin the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 The Lion's Crest quest for the Brunswick armor too.
  3. Head straight to Tachov and speak to blacksmith Radovan. Tachov is well within walking distance northwest of Troskowitz. Find the blacksmith and speak to him to begin the "A Blacksmith's Son" quest. Radovan will be so impressed with your smithing work that he'll offer you his spare room to sleep in whenever you need it, which also comes with a chest that you can access any Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Collector's Edition items from. You should also sleep here to save.
  4. After saving, you could try playing some Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice to gamble your groschen and hopefully win big. Spend some money on a bit of food too but save what you can.
  5. Ask if Radovan has more work to begin The Jaunt quest. We'll come back to this quest later but getting started now will help as you need to head to Semine.
  6. Head west to the Combat Training 1 quest marker via Zhelejov and the wagoners' inn. Both of these areas are useful fast travel points and there area some side quests you can pick up.
  7. Complete Combat Training 1 and 2 with Tomcat to unlock the Master Strike combat technique. It's a good idea save just before duelling Tomcat, so that you can easily reload if you lose.
  8. Head to Semine to carry on The Jaunt. As part of this side quest, you can get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Continue following the quest to get more groschen and combat experience.
  9. Ride out to the quarry at Trosky Castle and collect the money stash. After The Jaunt, you can ride to the castle north of Troskowitz and collect over 500 groschen from a stash hidden atop the quarry. Read our tips and tricks for directions!
  10. Ride back to Troskowitz to buy the Marigold Decoction recipe from the apothecary. This lets you brew healing potions.

You don't have to follow these steps to the letter or even strictly in this order, and it'll take you a few hours to get all this done anyway, but it should set you up nicely for what's ahead. Since I advise talking to the blacksmith as early as possible and starting the Jaunt, this'll set you on the blacksmith path for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest, but you can also head to the Lower Semine Mill later to start working on miller Kreyzl's path into the wedding, which begins with the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima quest.

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https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-what-to-do-first-best-start/ eC9KqRv8y5NbtYvMaDsnp4 Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:24:55 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Twitch Drops ]]> The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Twitch Drops include new armor, shields, and decorations for your horse. These free rewards come as a result of having spent enough time watching certain streams, but there's also other steps involved: mainly, linking a string of accounts together. Below we'll explain how to get Twitch drops in KCD2, what those rewards are, and those time limits will be.

How to get Twitch Drop rewards in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Twitch Drops

(Image credit: Twitch/Deep Silver/PLAION)

You can get Twitch Drops in KCD2 by doing the following:

  1. Make a Twitch account if you don't have one already, or login if you do.
  2. Go to this page and scroll down to the section for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 campaign.
  3. Click the icon at the bottom of that section to create a PROS account and link it to your Twitch account.
  4. Sign onto Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, go into the start menu, and press DLC and Extras.
  5. Select PROS account, and use the QR code to link your KCD2 game to your PROS account.
  6. With your game linked to PROS, which is also linked to Twitch, go back to Twitch and watch any of these streams associated with the campaign.
  7. Watching streams for a certain amount of time will cause rewards to be added to your profile's Drops Inventory.
  8. Claim them there to have them added to your Player Storage in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, where you can pick them up!

All Twitch Drop rewards

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Twitch Drops

(Image credit: Twitch/Deep Silver/PLAION)

Right now players have until the end of 11 February 2025 to earn all the currently-available rewards. To earn them, you'll watch streams for the following amount of time:

  • 30 minutes - Warhorse Waffenrock
  • 1 hour - Brigandine Sleeves
  • 1 hour 30 minutes - Warhorse Gauntlets
  • 2 hours - Brigandine Leg
  • 2 hours 30 minutes - Warhorse Boots
  • 3 hours - Warhorse Caparison
  • 3 hours 30 minutes - Warhorse Shield
  • 4 hours - Warhorse Bascinet
  • 4 hours 30 minutes - Warhorse Pourpoint

It's also been stated that there will be future campaigns and drops in the future, adding new gear and rewards for players to earn.

Want to get even more out of the game? Find out how to use the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats and console commands here, or check out the future Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 roadmap here!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-twitch-drops/ wEAMMBEspcQP4Wx5aSfkAF Wed, 05 Feb 2025 15:54:17 +0000
<![CDATA[ Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Roadmap and Post-Launch plans ]]> The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 roadmap has been revealed in a new Roadmap trailer that shows both new free updates and paid DLC content across the year. While some details are thin on the ground, we are at least getting some solid ideas about release windows and what players can expect to see coming to KCD2 in the short term, including new game modes, customization options, and ideas about the expansions involved in the season pass. With that in mind, let's look at the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 roadmap for 2025.

2025 Roadmap for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The trailer above from developer Warhorse reveals the current roadmap for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 in 2025, with seasonal windows about when we can expect them:

  • Spring
    • Barber Feature (Free Update)
    • Hardcore Mode (Free Update)
    • Horse Racing (Free Update)
  • Summer
    • Brushes with Death (Paid Season Pass DLC)
  • Autumn
    • Legacy of the Forge DLC (Paid Season Pass DLC)
  • Winter
    • Mysteria Ecclesiae (Paid Season Pass DLC)

Not much detail has been given about these additions, though we can infer a few things. The Barber feature seems to bring Hair Customisation to the game, Hardcore Mode sounds like a new level of terrifying difficulty, and Horse Racing seems pretty self-explanatory.

Meanwhile, each of the three DLC packs has its own hook, promising to extend Henry's story. Brushes with Death promises the chance to "help a mysterious artist with an enigmatic past", Legacy of the Forge will have you "restore Kuttenberg's Forge and become a master blacksmith", and Mysteria Ecclesiae says that players will "explore Sedletz Monastery to stop the spread of a deadly illness". These will come out in Summer, Autumn and Winter respectively, though the trailer does add that release windows are subject to change. It's not known if there'll be further content beyond 2025 right now, but we'll update this page when we hear more.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-roadmap/ n3b4R85pyQPQyjGccFcJL5 Wed, 05 Feb 2025 14:25:38 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Belladonna ]]> Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna is needed to brew your own Saviour Schnapps, and you can buy it or gather your own. Despite being highly toxic in real life, and even noted in the game, it's critical to brewing one of the most useful potions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, as Saviour Schnapps is needed to save the game at will. That means you should gather, dry, and buy belladonna often to ensure you're never caught short of a checkpoint. Here's where you can look for belladonna in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and where you can buy it.

Where to find Belladonna in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna plant

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Belladonna can be gathered for free in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, so look for a small, leafy plant with dark, purple berries and flowers as you explore. The game also says to look for it around clearings and leafy woods as you explore Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 map, but in our experience it's quite difficult to find.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna location nameless spring marked on map

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

The best location to search is the Nameless Spring landmark found roughly southwest of Zhelejov and southeast of Bozhena's shack. There are a few herb paris and belladonna plants next to the stream that runs out from the spring, but there's also a basket you can loot that has lots of belladonna and herb paris inside. In total, you can get at least 25 belladona from this one spot, which will help you brew plenty of Saviour Schnapps potions – be sure to dry it before its condition degrades too much.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna and herb paris in basket

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

If you're a bit more desperate, you can also buy fresh and dried Belladonna from apothecaries and herbalists for a couple of groschen or less. Visit Emmerich in Troskowitz to stock up if you've got the coin to spare.

It's highly likely that the reason you're looking for belladonna in the first place is because you need to brew some Saviour Schnapps to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. For that you'll also need nettles, which seem to be a lot easier to find. Look for them at waterbanks, near the edges of forests, and in field furrows. They can blend in quite easily with grass but look for tall, green plants with broad, jagged leaves. And thankfully these nettles can't sting you as in real life.

Now that you've got belladonna and nettles for Saviour Schnapps, take a look at our save system guide linked above to learn more about brewing the potion itself. This'll log your progress on Henry's quest, whether you're getting the blacksmith's or miller's help for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest or are trying to settle a dispute in the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of Frogs and Mice side quest.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-belladonna/ in2BBKLxhiu2rSfCDRV7eE Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:02:37 +0000
<![CDATA[ All cheats and console commands in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> Cheats and console commands in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are something that many players would benefit from, as the game's ruthless difficulty and challenging nature means a helping hand wouldn't go amiss for many. Well never fear - below we've got all the console commands and Item IDs you need to survive and thrive. Using cheats might not be chivalrous, but it can really help Henry endure the terrors of the war-torn Bohemian realm. Here's how you can set up cheats for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and all the console commands you'll need - including a free save cheat!

How to set up Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

If you want to enable cheats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, here's how you can go about it:

  1. Make sure the game is closed, then go into Steam and right-click Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 in your library.
  2. Choose "Properties" and then make sure you're in the "General" tab.
  3. Go to the "Launch Options" section at the bottom and enter the following:


  1. Close the menu and launch Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 as normal.
  2. When in the game, press the tilde key (~) to open console commands.

At this point, you just need to use the console commands laid out below to input various cheats and game-altering elements.

Console Commands list for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers henry attending wedding with miller kreyzl and enneleyn

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Below we've got all the console commands for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 we know of so far, so you can trigger cheats for the game whenever you want.

  • Save Mod
    • Save whenever you want without needing Saviour Schnapps: wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1
  • Gain Money
  • Gain Item
    • Add item to your inventory: wh_cheat_addItem (item ID)
  • "One Shot Kill Mode"
    • You kill all enemies on the first strike, but they do the same to you: wh_rpg_OneShotKill = 1
  • Get location coordinates
    • Be told the coordinates of where you're standing: wh_rpg_getLocation
  • Teleport to coordinates
    • Appear at a specific location in the game: goto (coordinates)
  • Remove Wanted Level
    • Stop all pursuit by law enforcement and guards: cheat_set_wanted_level=0
  • Easier lockpicking
    • This increases the durability of lockpicks: wh_pl_LockPickingDOF = 50
    • And this one stops the lockpicks shaking: wh_pl_LockPickingShakeOverride = 0
  • Steal Horse
    • Make a stolen horse you're sitting on into your own, proper horse: wh_horse_StealCurrentHorse

Of course, if you want to do these things legitimately, we've got a guide on how to get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, or you can check out how to brew your very own Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing potions and Marigold Decoctions.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 item IDs

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 gold edition gallant huntsman's kit worn by Henry in the grass

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

The wh_cheat_addItem (item ID) cheat command requires a specific item code to be entered in afterwards. There's hundreds of items in KCD2 and clearly not all of them are as equally helpful (not to mention that the community is still figuring them out) but we've put some of the key ones below.

  • Essential Items:
    • Marigold Decoction: B38c34b7-6016-4f64-9ba2-65e1ce31d4a1
    • Saviour Schnapps: 928463d9-e21a-4f7c-b5d3-8378ed375cd1
    • Lockpick: 8d76f58e-a521-4205-a7e8-9ac077eee5f0
    • Smoked Sausage: 29a4f58e-6e00-4f9c-9273-1a76e0eccff0
    • Bandage: 9fa3000e-3807-48a8-bed8-81427f0bda55
  • Repair Items
    • Armorer’s Kit: 167eb312-0e9d-4c2f-8ce3-56c32f5a84cb
    • Blacksmith’s Kit: C707733a-c0a7-4f02-b684-9392b0b15b83
    • Cobbler's Kit: 238538b5-cd3e-460e-8e85-52c820edb716
    • Tailor’s Kit: 9f7a0c0a-6458-4622-9cc5-2f4dd4898b50

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https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-cheats-console-commands/ dio9yzi6ZRLCdvibHmhECm Wed, 05 Feb 2025 11:27:16 +0000
<![CDATA[ The best Sleep Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket ]]> Wondering how to make the best Sleep deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket? Sleep builds focused on Pokemon like Wigglytuff have been a viable build since PTCGP began, but recently have begun to gain focus with certain missions, including in the Cresselia ex Drop event. Sleep decks can be hugely powerful if implemented right, and actually can make for some of the most powerful colourless decks in the game, as we'll prove below. If you want to set your foes asleep, we'll explain the best decks for sleep in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Sleep Deck

Pokemon TCG Pocket sleep cards and decks

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

If you want to focus on a deck that puts foes to sleep as a central tactic in Pokemon TCG Pocket, here's the best deck possible:

  • Jigglypuff (Sing/Promo-A variant) x2
  • Wigglytuff ex x2
  • Dialga ex x2
  • Mew ex x1
  • Leaf x2
  • Pokemon Communication x2
  • Dawn x2
  • X Speed x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Professor's Research x2
  • Giant Cape x1

This is modified version of the Dialga ex build that has a strong footing in the Pokemon TCG Pocket best decks meta right now, but it works the same way: send out Dialga ex first to build Metal energy on the back bench, where you have Wigglytuff build up energy (as well as Mew ex if you've drawn it). When you're ready, swap them around and use Dawn to transfer energy accordingly, whereupon Wigglytuff can start hitting with strong sleep attacks.

All Pokemon TCG Pokemon Sleep cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket sleep cards and decks

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

If you want to know all the PTCGP cards that can send foes to sleep, either through attacks or abilities, they're all listed below, as well as what booster set they come from.

  • Grass
    • Vileplume (Genetic Apex)
    • Shiinotic (Mythical Island)
  • Water
    • Frosmoth (Genetic Apex)
  • Psychic
    • Hypno (Genetic Apex)
    • Flabebe (Mythical Island)
  • Dark
    • Darkrai (Space-Time Smackdown)
  • Colorless
    • Jigglypuff (Promo-A)
    • Wigglytuff ex (Genetic Apex)

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/pokemon/pokemon-tcg-pocket-sleep-deck/ zEimt6zT8MyyGJ6N3f5mvK Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:38:03 +0000
<![CDATA[ Hello Kitty Island Adventure Gudetama location guide ]]> Finding all Gudetama in Hello Kitty Island Adventure is a daunting task as there are no less than 88 Gudetama locations on the main map. You may occasionally spot one of these yellow fellows randomly, but since they’re rather small, it’s all too easy to miss a few. To save you a ton of time, this Hello Kitty Island Adventure Gudetama location guide will show you every Gudetama location in the main regions, from the Resort Island to Gemstone Mountain.

How to find Gudetama in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

An example of a Gudetama in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

The Gudetama creatures in Hello Kitty Island Adventure are the game’s main collectible. You can recognize them as the tiny, yellow creatures scattered across the map - they may be chilling on a beach, sitting on a rock, or even lying in a bowl of noodles.

Instead of picking them up, you must collect Gudetama by taking their picture, after which they disappear. Use the tool menu (default key is ‘F’) to select the camera and take the shot.

There are 156 Gudetama in total, and I've covered the 88 Gudetama locations available on the main map in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, spread over five different regions. Use the Gudetama location maps below to clear the main island.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Seaside Resort Gudetama locations

The Gudetama locations on the Resort Island in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

There are twelve Gudetama on the Resort Island, the southernmost part of the map. Here’s where to find them:

  1. In front of the building.
  2. On a beach towel.
  3. It’s on a flat rock, close to the water level.
  4. In the pond, in front of the waterfall.
  5. On the hanging bridge, look at the rope on the north side.
  6. In front of the cafe.
  7. On the pier, on one of the wooden beams.
  8. Next to some palm trees.
  9. On the tiny island.
  10. On a tiny rock, just offshore.
  11. Next to two palm trees.
  12. On the tiny, grassy island.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Spooky Swamp Gudetama locations

The Gudetama locations in the Spooky Swamp in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

You’ll find a total of twelve Gudetama in the Spooky Swamp, the forest region in the east. Beware that you must find the three yellow power crystals to enter this area. Once that’s done, here’s where to find the Gudetama:

  1. On the broken bridge, just above the water.
  2. North side of the pond, right on the water’s edge near the large tree.
  3. On top of the nature preserve building.
  4. East side of the green lake, at the large tree’s roots.
  5. On the mountain slope.
  6. In the graveyard, northeastern corner. It’s next to one of the gravestones.
  7. It’s on the maze-like hedge, the northeastern corner.
  8. Next to the Haunted Mansion, left side.
  9. On a tiny island in the green lake.
  10. Next to an old tree, very close to the water.
  11. On an old tree trunk, on top of the mountain.
  12. Look for a small rock formation on the beach.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Rainbow Reef Gudetama locations

The Gudetama locations in Rainbow Reef in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Unlike the previous two regions, there are 24 Gudetama in the Rainbow Reef, the large ocean in the middle of the map. Beware that you need to unlock the diving ability before you can collect the Gudetama here (this also requires a fair stack of rubber, so be sure to farm the Hello Kitty Island Adventure rubber locations). Except for locations 16 and 19, all Gudetama on this list are underwater.

Here’s where to find them all:

  1. On the building, just above the entrance.
  2. On a piece of coral, next to some rocks.
  3. On a purple pillar.
  4. Look at the purple bench, next to a purple pillar.
  5. On the seabed, next to the large yellow coral.
  6. In front of the temple.
  7. On one of the higher rocks.
  8. Next to some red coral, on a higher ledge (not far below the top of the rock formation).
  9. On the higher rocks, right next to the stone archway.
  10. On the ocean floor, between some coral (disguised as egg and bacon).
  11. Lying on the seabed, next to one of the wooden beams.
  12. On the rock formation.
  13. Look at the shipwreck’s broken mast.
  14. Near the top of the rock formation.
  15. In an avocado on the rocks.
  16. On the rock pillar - above water!
  17. On the higher, sandy surface.
  18. In the kelp maze, on the ground between the tall green strands of seaweed, making it easy to miss.
  19. On the rock pillar - above water!
  20. At the top of the rock formation, between two chopsticks.
  21. At the heart of the kelp maze, on the ground.
  22. On a piece of red coral.
  23. In a noodle bowl on the ground, next to a large rock formation.
  24. On a broken pillar.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Mount Hothead Gudetama locations

The Gudetama locations on Mount Hothead in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

You may find 18 Gudetama locations in the fiery mountain region situated in the northwestern corner of the Hello Kitty Island Adventure map, plus six more if you choose to explore the cave systems (location 18). Here’s where to look for them:

  1. Look for the small rock on the beach.
  2. On the flat rocks, just above the water.
  3. It’s on the east side of the rock formation.
  4. On the wooden bridge.
  5. Above the temple entrance.
  6. On the red rock just above sea level.
  7. At the top of the waterfall.
  8. Next to the path in the lower area.
  9. On the higher ledge, between the foliage.
  10. It’s relaxing in the small pond.
  11. In front of the temple, left side.
  12. Look at the rocky wall. The Gudetama is relaxing at the root of a palm tree, on a higher ledge.
  13. On the high, pillar-shaped rock.
  14. Above a temple entrance, left side.
  15. On the rock formation, surrounded by palm trees.
  16. On one of the torches (the ones connected by rope).
  17. On the slightly higher rock in the middle of the lava.
  18. Above the cave entrance. There are six more Gudetamas inside the cave system here.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Gemstone Mountain Gudetama locations

The Gudetama locations on Gemstone Mountain in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Finally, there are 22 Gudetama locations in the mountainous region in the northeast, known as Gemstone Mountain. Here’s where to look for them:

  1. On the beach, look at the rocks.
  2. Look for the small hill near the buildings.
  3. On a small rock below the suspension bridge.
  4. It’s on the high wooden bridge.
  5. On the higher rocks above the temple entrance (right side).
  6. On a cactus next to the road.
  7. It’s lying on the sand (the slightly lower area).
  8. At the top of the waterfall/cliff.
  9. Between the palm trees.
  10. In front of a large cactus.
  11. At the foot of the rock wall.
  12. On the flat rocks near the path.
  13. In the water, north side of the pond.
  14. On the rocky slope, north side of the pond.
  15. At the top of the large rock formation, in front of the temple entrance.
  16. On a small rock next to a cactus.
  17. Go inside this cave system. There are two Gudetama inside.
  18. Next to the tree.
  19. On a tiny bush, right in front of the pink gemstones.
  20. On the hill, next to a treasure chest.
  21. Behind a treasure chest.
  22. Go inside this cave system. There are two Gudetama inside.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/adventure/hello-kitty-island-adventure-gudetama-locations/ zJCsnqqVi6Zr2WyWmNWPDj Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:09:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to farm Money fast in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> A good Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money farm is something that players will definitely want early on when cash is hard to come by. Making Groschen can be done in all sorts of ways, but one of the most effective methods is introduced to you very early on - playing games of dice and gambling. Of course, you could lose all that money, but there's a way to avoid that risk, as we'll lay out below, as well as some other methods to make money. If you're struggling to keep your Groschen pouch full, here's the best money farm in KCD2, as well as some advice on staying wealthy as a rule.

The best money farm in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Money farm

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The best way to farm money in KCD2 - especially if you're early in the game - is to find a tavern with a dice table, spend a small amount to sleep in the bed and save, and then bet everything you have at dice.

This means that any money you wager is effectively insured - if you lose the game, you reload the save and immediately try again. If you win, you sleep for another hour to save once more, then go back to the dice table. It's highly recommended that you use this gambling method to build up your cash before you make the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers blacksmith or miller choice and attend the wedding as you need to pay for an outfit!

Different dice players will wager different amounts, so it's a good rule of thumb to shop around, but it's a scheme that works in almost any settlement; there's no village or town where you can't find at least one possible bed and one gambler. Generally though, look for areas with more wealth - a nobleman or merchant, or even a professional gambler, will bet more than a farmer or a miner.

How to make money in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Money farm

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Beyond that money farm, there are some good bits of advice that players should keep in mind when playing generally to help make sure they earn Groschen in KCD2.

  • Load up your horse. As an extension of your inventory, your horse can hold a lot of gear you can then take back and sell wherever. Putting unneeded - but valuable - loot on your horse's back should be second nature to you before long.
  • Loot enemies and sell armor. Armor in particular is generally worth a lot, but anything can be taken and sold. Equipment becomes especially more valuable once you hit the second region, and there's a string of merchants in Kuttenberg City who will all buy them off you.
  • Find a Fence. These special merchants will take any stolen gear without question, so those who are getting the most out of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 stealth system can profit off them. There's one in the Nomads' Camp in the Southwest of the Trosky region, West of Bozhena's house.
  • Always haggle, and build your reputation. Haggling successfully helps you buy for lower prices and sell for more. It also builds your reputation with merchants which will make future haggling even easier. Even a couple of Groschen saved or gained is better than nothing.
  • Sell to the right merchants. Merchants will offer you a better price if you're dealing in their stock. A smith will buy weapons and armor for more, and an Apothecary will buy potions at a better price - they know what it's worth, after all.
  • Craft what you can. A recipe isn't always cheap, but it's still worth checking to see what you have and what everything costs. In the long run, if you tend to use a lot of potions, it's better to buy the recipe and ingredients to make your own. Or, if you've found a recipe along your journey, that'll save you even more money. Brewing your own Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing potions and Marigold Decoctions should be something you do every so often, rather than buying them outright.
  • Use cheats. If you're not above financial gains via console commands you can use Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats to simply give yourself groschen.

For more info on KCD2, why not check out our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough, so you can find your way through one of the game's toughest quests? Or discover all the different Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor locations in The Lion's Crest for those who got the pre-order bonus quest!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-money-farm/ eeqyCZibsRHd3g8MgvYZTK Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to heal in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and make healing potions ]]> To heal in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you need to chug a healing potion known as a Marigold Decoction or you can sleep off your wounds. However, both of these methods can be a little tricky in the early hours of the game, with decoctions and inn beds being relatively expensive, but there is a Marigold Decoction recipe that is definitely worth saving up for to help you in the long run. Below, I've explained everything you need to know about how to make Marigold Decoctions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, all the ways you can easily heal, and how health restoration works as a system.

How to heal in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

To heal yourself in KCD2, there are two main methods you can use:

  • Drink a Marigold Decoction (healing potion) to gain health regeneration for 1 Minute. You can drink this via the inventory menu but you will need a belt and pouch to equip (and therefore use) consumables during combat.
  • Sleep in a bed to restore a certain amount of health dependent on how long you sleep. Drinking a Chamomile Brew potion speeds up this process. This is also one of the ways to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

There are other ways that health can be restored. Certain abilities and perks can provide passive restoration, and certain foods can provide very small health regeneration when eaten, but those above are the main ones - Decoctions for emergencies, and bed rest for full restoration. Additionally, if you're bleeding, which causes your health to drain over time, you'll need to use bandages to remove the effect and keep your blood on the inside.

Keep in mind that healing in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is supposed to be challenging on some level, something that's hard to immediately undo without preparation. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but as a rule it's smarter to avoid being hurt in the first place rather than trying to heal.

How you avoid damage is up to you though. It might mean equipping yourself with heavy armor for combat, drinking an Aqua Vitalis potion for health reduction, fighting at range, using Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 stealth kills to take down foes, or succeeding on speech checks to avoid combat altogether. If you're in trouble you can always try to run away, shout that you surrender to negotiate a peaceful ending (though if you've killed several already it might not work), or even reload an older save if you've been using Saviour Schnapps liberally - look out for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Belladonna if you want to brew your own Saviour Schnapps.

How to get healing potions and Marigold Decoctions

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Marigold Decoctions, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's equivalent of healing potions, are generally sold by all apothecaries, herbalists and some traders, as they are fairly common stock (there's an Apothecary in the starting town of Troskowitz if you need a point of reference for where to buy them). You can also occasionally find them as loot on enemies, but this is rare enough that you shouldn't depend on it as a method.

The best way to get Marigold Decoctions is by brewing your own on an Alchemy Table, as it's free and the ingredients are easy to find though you need this requires first. If you're really desperate, you can always turn to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats.

Marigold Decoction recipe location

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Player can find a recipe for the Marigold Decoction potion early in the game by going to Troskowitz and speaking to Apothecary Emmerich on the South side of town. He sells you a recipe for the Marigold Decoction for around 150 Groschen, though you can get it cheaper by improving your reputation and haggling. It’s a big investment early on, but one that's definitely worth it, as once you use the recipe in your inventory, you'll be able to make Marigold Decoctions at any Alchemy Table with the ingredients.

Brewing a Marigold Decoction specifically requires the following:

  • 1x Nettle
  • 2x Marigold

Both of these are almost guaranteed to be sold at any of the same shops that sell potions, but you can also find them in the following terrains:

  • Nettles (Green, with pointed leaves): Next to water, at the edges of woods, and in the furrows of fields.
  • Marigold (Small, with yellow flowers): Rubble piles, dung and pastures.

How to use Marigold Decoctions in combat

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

You can't drink a potion or consumable of any kind from your inventory during combat unless you have a belt and a pouch, which can be bought at Tailors and certain other merchants. These are separate pieces of equipment - a belt to wear, and a pouch to equip off that. The better the pouch, the more consumable slots you'll have access to during combat. Equip what consumables and potions you want, then during combat you can pick that consumable with the right D-Pad. Incidentally, this is also how you can have more Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 weapons equipped at once!

Remember that a Marigold Decoction is not an instant heal - it's a passive regeneration over the next minute, with how much health you restore depending on the quality of the potion.

Want to know more about KCD2? Find out all the hidden Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor locations as part of The Lion's Crest here, or find out which is the best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 playstyle to choose here!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-heal-healing-potions-marigold-decoction-recipe/ 9BXS2vfLLdKFTZGomaMqBb Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ All Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations and Riddle Solutions ]]> The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor locations are spread around in the Lion's Crest pre-order DLC quest, with a riddle and several treasure maps leading you to find all the pieces across the Trosky region. KCD2 having this DLC quest as pre-order means you can start it the moment the tutorial section ends in Troskowitz, though it takes you around the first major region, and you might want to be a little careful about venturing into the unknown.

Still, the Brunswick armor is very good early game plate armor with a nice charisma bonus, so we'll lay out how to solve the riddle and where to find the first piece, as well as how to solve all the different treasure maps for all the different Brunswick armor locations, and even how to get the special weapons - a pretty dagger and a giant poleaxe.

If you're struggling with the riddle of the Lion's Crest pre-order mission and want to find all the Brunswick armor locations in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, here's where you need to look.

All Brunswick armor locations in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

There are five locations that players need to look to find all the Brunswick armor in the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Lion's Crest pre-order mission.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
  1. Chapel in the Rocks. Solve the starting riddle to find a shrine hidden in a rocky crevice, with Brunswick's Dagger, Gauntlets, and two treasure maps inside.
  2. Wolf Hunting Spot. Lodged between two tall trees in this dangerous area is a sack that contains Brunswick's Chainmail Coif, Plate Leg Armor, Caparison, and the third treasure map.
  3. Crosses in the Rocks. Several crosses on a cliffedge mark this location, the leftmost one of which has a chest with Brunswick's Plate Sleeves, some Saviour Schnapps, and the last treasure map.
  4. Cross and Skeleton. This forested grave West-South-West of Tachov has a skeleton with a sack leaning against a tree, the sack holding Brunswick's Brigandine. The skeleton itself also has a valuable Knight's Sword.
  5. Treasure Hunters' Camp. The stone cairn with a white cross has Brunswick's Bascinet (helmet) and a Shrinking Dice for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice game. You will have to kill or sneak past the treasure hunters to get it though.

We'll go into all the specifics about each of these locations below and the treasure maps if you need more help, but we do recommend waiting until you have a horse and at least some basic gear before pursuing this questline - some of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Gold Edition items might help you here if you have access to them.

The wolves and treasure hunters can be challenging for really low level players and, if nothing else, travelling the length and breadth of Trosky (the first region of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Map) can be tough to do without some fast travel points and a decent steed. The treasure maps you gain later are also based on understanding certain landmarks and clearing the map itself.

You will also need a Shovel to complete this quest! You can buy them from merchants or steal them from cemeteries.

How to solve The Lion's Crest Riddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's length and playtime explained

Wondering how long is Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? Well, no matter what, it's pretty long - but it all depends on what kind of playthrough you're doing.

The solution to the starting riddle in The Lion's Crest in KCD2 is the Chapel in the Rocks, which is in the forest North of Trosky Castle.

The actual riddle is a pretty tough one that's based on some in-game knowledge and some slightly elastic logic. "Take your leave of Crone and Maiden, standing tall behind the gates" is relatively easy - when you make it to Trosky Castle, you're told more than once that the two main towers are called Crone and Maiden, so you clearly start there (you'll here this over and over when you go through our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough).

Then it gets trickier: "Boldly go towards true midnight, in caverns cold your prize awaits" is a tough one because… midnight doesn't have a direction. In fact, this is a bit of oblique logic telling you to go North, (presumably because it's the direction of twelve o' clock) leaving through the North gate of Trosky Castle. Keep going until you hit the forest directly North; the "hall of forest kings" referring to a Stag hunting ground that gets marked on your map.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

From there, pass into a canyon with a rock on either side of you and one directly in front, so the path forms a Y-shape. Circle around the rock ahead of you carefully until you're on the North side of it, and you'll find a small crevice with a shrine inside: the Chapel in the Rocks. Interact with it to open it up, the dig with the shovel to gain the following:

  • Brunswick's Dagger
  • Brunswick's Gauntlet
  • Fine Wine
  • Fragments from the Bible (Skill Book)
  • 17 Groschen
  • 2 Candles
  • Brunswick's Map I
  • Brunswick's Map II

You can use the Dagger to perform a Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Stealth kill on unaware enemies, and obviously the Gauntlet is the first piece of the armor set. With two maps, it's time to start hunting the rest of them.

Brunswick's Map 1 solution and armor location

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

No more riddles, the first treasure map for Brunswick's armor leads you to two trees at a Wolf Hunting Spot west of the Chapel in the Rocks, and North of Tachov, to the left side of the road that stretches down. The wolves here are pretty lethal for the unprepared, so you might want to refresh yourself on how to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 before you go up against them.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

You'll have to kill or drive off the wolves here, but what you're looking for is a small sack between two very straight trees on the South side of the area, next to a small hole in the ground. Inside you'll find:

  • Brunswick's chainmail coif
  • Brunswick's plate leg armor
  • Brunswick's caparison
  • Beet
  • Leek
  • Turnip
  • Brunswick's Map III

The caparison is used for decorating horses, but obviously if you don't own one yet it'll just clog your inventory. If you need help, we'll explain how to get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

Brunswick's Map 2 solution and armor location

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The next treasure map marks Brunswick's armor near the crosses on the road, which are specifically just north of Vidlak Pond on the west side of the map. Head to the cliff just North of the settlement, scale it using the slopes on either side, then go to the South side to see three crosses on the edge.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The highest one on the left, accessible via a fallen tree, has a chest in front of it. Open that to find:

  • Brunswick's Plate Sleeves
  • Saviour Schnapps
  • 3 Bandages
  • Brunswick's Map IV

Brunswick's Map 3 solution and armor location

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The next treasure map takes you South, near the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice - head to the Zhelejov Wagoners' Inn and go North along the road to the second right. Head along the river and then take the dirt path right into the forest.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Climb the hill on your left to go up to a small graveyard, with a sprawling tree and a skeleton leaning against it, marked on the map as "Cross and Skeleton". Grab the Knight's Sword in its hands, then open the sack next to it to get:

  • Brunswick's Brigadine
  • 30 Apples
  • Fine Wine

Brunswick's Map 4 solution and armor location

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The stone cairn shown on the final treasure map for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 mission is in the forest East of the Nomads' Camp. Specifically, you need to find the Treasure Hunters' Camp Northeast of the Nomad's Camp - head down the path and then up the hill on your left.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The three treasure hunters will attack you if they spot you, but how you deal with it is your choice - you can fight back or sneak around them. What you need to find is the Cairn that matches the one on the map, on the northwest side of the camp. Interact with it to get:

  • Brunswick's Bascinet
  • Shrinking Die
  • Worn Rosary

There's also numerous other treasures and items around the camp for you to get, so make sure to loot everything! You're also not that far from the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Axe from the Lake, so why not check out our guide on where to find this silvery weapon?

How to get Brunswick's Poleaxe and dagger

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The two weapons of The Lion's Crest pre-order DLC, Brunswick's Dagger and Brunswick's Poleaxe, are comparatively easy to get. The dagger is found at the first location when you solve the riddle, and it's functionally identical to any other dagger that you use for Stealth Kills, it just looks prettier.

Brunswick's Poleaxe can't be found, you have to craft it yourself at any Smithy. The crafting recipe is given to you when you start the quest, from Scribe Gaibl, and will require the following:

  • 1 Fastening Material
  • 3 Iron
  • 1 Frankfurt Steel

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick Armor locations

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

There's all manner of places you can get these, but they're all sold by the blacksmith at Trosky Castle. Crafting it will take a while, but at the end you'll have a pretty strong heavy weapon. Of course, if you're feeling more ambitious, we've also got the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best weapons laid out here!

The Lion's Crest armor is powerful, but there's better to find - check out how to get the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best armor and dominate the late-game here!

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https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-brunswick-armor-locations-riddle/ B9jSLkkVmws6PbNik6VZdN Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ Should you get to the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 wedding with the help of the blacksmith or the miller? ]]> The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest forces you to choose between attending a wedding with a blacksmith or a miller. Both options lead into chains of side quests, eventually getting Henry the wedding invitation he desperately needs to meet Lord Von Bergow, but each path has its own pros and cons and suit different playstyles. If you're stuck wondering whether its better to get the help of Radovan the blacksmith or miller Kreyzl in Kingdom Come 2, or even both, I've explained the best options below.

Should you help the blacksmith or the miller in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest menu get help from blacksmith or miller

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
Kingdom Come 2 guides

Help yourself get to Tachov and Semine with the full Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 map. While you're in Tachov, you can get involved in side quests that lead to the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice or you can try your hand at Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice.

The best choice is to help Kreyzl the miller up until you need to escort a woman to the wedding as part of the Opus Magnum side quest, then switch to helping the blacksmith and go to the wedding with him. I won't spoil the details, but the Opus Magnum quest carries on after the wedding and you won't be locked out of it by not going to the wedding with Kreyzl's help. Importantly, doing the side quests in this order will help you get as many rewards and benefits as possible before you even go to the wedding.

However, don’t worry if you miss out on one of the paths as completing one doesn't lock you out of the other. While you can only accept the wedding invitation of one of these NPCs, the side quests for whichever NPC you did not get help from can still be started after Wedding Crashers even though the wedding has already happened.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers the jaunt quest henry, lord semine, and gnarly riding on horses talking about wedding

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Considering how long it takes to beat Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you may only want to focus on one path anyway to get on with the main story. If this is your preferred playstyle, I recommend focusing on the blacksmith's path to get into the wedding as it feels most useful for the early stages of the game. Helping Radovan on the various side quests he offers means you'll learn about smithing, get your first horse, and will have plenty of opportunities to practice combat. Weapons and armor from dead foes can then be scavenged and sold for an easy Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money farm.

Bear in mind that, whichever path you choose, you'll have to buy some nice clothes form the tailor in Troskowitz to attend the wedding, so you'll need a good amount of groschen on you. One of the big downsides of the miller path is that it isn't especially lucrative, and the Opus Magnum side quest also requires you to buy an expensive dress. Using your stealth and thievery training can help you here but it's a risky strategy.

If you still want to know more about getting the help of the blacksmith or the miller for the Wedding Crashers quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, I've explained more about the quests you'll complete and the rewards you can expect below:

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers blacksmith path

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers blacksmith Radovan

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Heading to Radovan the blacksmith in Tachov leads to you completing three side quests for him which task you with doing the follow and offer these benefits – note that some of your choices and actions in these side quests may mean you don't get every reward listed here:

  • The Blacksmith's Son: A simple lesson in smithing from Radovan.
    • Hunting sword, a bed and storage chest (this is a great way to access Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Gold Edition items) which can be used at any time for free, access to Radovan's forge, 8 scrap metal, 4 steel, 2 fastening material, farmer's horseshoes sketch, work axe sketch
  • The Jaunt: Find out what happened to Ventza and Franzi, two blacksmith hands who were meant to deliver a cart of goods to Semine but never returned.
    • A Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 horse, Gnarly's club, a chance to practise your fighting skills with Lord Semine, opportunities to fight and loot bandits, 80 groschen from Semine, Ventza's map, and a rusty sheet cuirass
  • The Hermit: Find the Toledo steel sword belonging to a mysterious hermit so that Radovan can use it to forge a sword as a wedding gift. This also includes completing the A Sinful Task activity.
    • Crusaders of the Red Star waffenrock, Chronicle of the Knights of the Cross lore book, Seneschal Ambrose's Decree lore book, 155 groschen with more available to loot, opportunities to fight and improve combat skills, Scholarship improvement, Knights of the Cross armor, an invite to the wedding with Radovan.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers miller path

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers miller kreyzl

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

If you go to the Lower Semine Mill and introduce yourself to Krezyl the miller, he gets you in on his petty crime side hustle and unusual activities with three side quests. Again, some of your choices and actions during these side quests may mean you don't get everything listed below:

  • Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Materia Prima: Steal a document from the Troskowitz Rathaus to help in Kreyzl's alchemical experiments. If you need help completing this without being detected, take a look at the linked guide!
    • Opportunities to learn about lockpicking, pickpocketing, and stealth takedowns, 10 lockpicks with several more to loot along with a dagger, opportunities to improve Stealth and Thievery skills, various potions, 45 groschen, and the "With the Silence of the Cat I" book
  • Forbidden Fruit: Kreyzl requires you to find a saltpetre pit with Bonnie's help.
    • "The Rule of St. Dismas I" book found in the gravedigger's outhouse, opportunities to improve combat and dialogue skills, knacker's gloves, 95 groschen in total, improvements to Stealth and Vitality, "With the Silence of the Cat II" book
  • Opus Magnum: Find and dress a companion to escort to the wedding and help her steal a book from Trosky Castle for Kreyzl.
    • Chamberlain's ring (only if you choose to attend the wedding with Kreyzl)

To summarize, blacksmith Radovan's path to the wedding in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is best for pretty much any player, offering decent rewards and chances to get a fair bit of money to see you through the early game. Although, it is entirely possible to complete both paths and all side quests. Even if you miss one of the options, you pursue it after the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom The Bell Tolls quest.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-wedding-crashers-blacksmith-miller/ PqTVL3jFLwqcAec8Zemtxa Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and get Saviour Schnapps ]]> Knowing how to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 using Saviour Schnapps can be a vital lifeline, particular early on when you're still learning how the game works. Saviour Schnapps is therefore an essential potion, helping you save progress and establish checkpoints that you can load back to if things go really wrong, but you also have to buy it or brew it yourself to stay stocked up.

Alternatively, there are other ways to save progress, like sleep and mission checkpoints, but these aren't as reliable as on-demand schnapps saving. With that in mind, I've laid out the details of saving in Kingdom Come 2 below, as well as how to brew Saviour Schnapps at alchemy tables.

How to save the game in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Save System in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

There are four ways to save your progress in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, all of which are laid out below.

  • Drink a Saviour Schnapps potion.
    • These consumables immediately save the game at any point, allowing you to reload from then. Saviour Schnapps can be bought from certain apothecaries and some merchants, found on enemies, or brewed yourself at Alchemy Tables if you have the recipe. Higher strength Schnapps also grant temporary health and stat bonuses.
  • Sleep in a bed.
    • Sleeping for any period of time creates a save point when you wake up. Ensuring you've got a bed for the night is one of the most important things to do first in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. It's good to have accessible beds scattered around the map for you to use, but you can always rent a room from an Inn, or even find abandoned camps with sleeping rolls for you to use.
  • Reach a set mission checkpoint.
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 has an autosave system that triggers at certain key moments - usually at the beginning and end of quests, as well as certain essential points in the middle of them (such as just before tough boss encounters or when entering a new area). These autosaves tend to be a little more liberal in the main story quests, but less so in side quests and tasks. You also get saves when you travel between different regions via caravans (if you don't know how to do that, we've got a guide on how to get back to previous regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2).
  • Quit the game from the pause menu.
    • The "Save and Quit" option in the pause menu will allow you to save whenever you want, and you can technically reload that save at any point, which is a useful advantage that Deliverance doesn't highlight much. However, you can only have one exit save at a time. If you save and quit again, it deletes all other exit save files you've made.
  • Use cheats. While this goes against the ethos of brutal medieval survival, PC players can use Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats and console commands to save freely without potions.

How to get Saviour Schnapps in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Save System in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Saviour Schnapps in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are one of the most important resources, and you can usually buy them from most merchants, though with limited stock. Troskowitz sells them, many herbalists will sell them, and you can find them as items on some enemies while looting.

Saviour Schnapps recipe location

Save System in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The best way to get Saviour Schnapps is to craft your own at an alchemy table, which you can do infinitely (assuming you have the herbs). You'll need the recipe though, which is given to you automatically when you complete the early sequence with Bozhena and Pavlena, just before the opening credits. Read the recipe in your inventory, and you'll be able to craft it at Alchemy Tables for the rest of the game.

How to craft Saviour Schnapps at Alchemy Tables

Save System in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

To brew your own Saviour Schnapps via Alchemy, you'll need 1x Nettle and 2x Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Belladonna, and to bring them to an Alchemy Table (you can use dried versions too, though it's harder to make a good quality Schnapps). Once there, do the following:

  1. Fill the cauldron with wine.
  2. Crush 2 handfuls of Belladonna with the mortar and pestle and put it in the dish, not the cauldron.
  3. Put 1 handful of Nettles directly into the cauldron.
  4. Set the cauldron to boil for 2 turns of the hourglass, then take it off the heat.
  5. Put the dish of ground-up Belladonna in the cauldron.
  6. Boil it again for 1 turn of the hourglass, then take it back off the heat.
  7. Take a phial from the left shelf and pour the potion directly into it.

As your Alchemy skill improves, you'll get more Saviour Schnapps per brewing process, as well as increasing the likelihood of creating better quality versions of the Schnapps.

You can get the process wrong to some degree (boiling for the incorrect amount of time or using the wrong ingredient quantities) and still potentially come away with some working version of the potion, though it might be inferior. Henry will usually comment on any errors made as you take the potion at the end.

Learning all the fundamentals of KCD2? We've got a full guide on how to play the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice minigame here, or check out all the outcomes to the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 bandits at Bozhena's house conundrum in the tutorial if you're not there yet!

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https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-save-saviour-schnapps/ KyGUnAGPT2tACP6XFBczQE Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ Best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> If you want the best weapon in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you'll need to wait until the second region at least, as there's all sorts of requirements before you can get the Reforged Radzig Kobyla's Sword, a special longsword that's actually tied to the main campaign. If there are better weapons than the Reforged Sword, we've yet to find them in KCD2, and we hold that of all the weapon types, swords are generally best for their ability to use the special Masterstrike move taught to you by the swordsman Tomcat.

But we get ahead of ourselves. Below we'll explain to you how you can get the best weapon in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, as well as the best weapon types, and what you need to know about getting the game's most powerful sword.

Minor Spoilers for the plot of KCD2 to follow.

How to get the best weapon in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

From my experiences, I'd say the best weapon in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is the Reforged Radzig Kobyla's Sword, as mentioned. This is an upgraded version of a sword you get in the campaign, specifically in the mission "The Storm", which is at the end of the first major region, Trosky. We won't spoil what exactly happens, but halfway through that mission you'll get Radzig Kobyla's Sword added to your inventory. You'll also automatically get the crafting recipe for the Reforged version.

Find your footing in KCD2!

Starting out your Medieval quest? We can tell you everything, from how long is Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, to these fundamental Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips, to an overview of the whole Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Map!

From this point on, you need to upgrade it. For that, you need to obtain 3 Toledo Steel. This is hard to find in Trosky, but after completing The Storm, you'll get access to the new Kuttenberg region. When you're here, you specifically want to head to the City of Kuttenberg in the Southeast corner of the region. In the market in the centre of town are several blacksmith shops who will all sell you Toledo Steel.

Buy that, then save the game (our guide on how to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 will remind you on all the ways to do that). Take the Sword and Toledo Steel to a Smithy and you should see the recipe for the Reforged Radzig Kobyla's Sword under the Longswords tab. This is a ruthless procedure that doesn't allow for many errors, and if you make too many mistakes you'll ruin the process. However, you can reload the save to try again - do it a few times and you'll come out with the Reforged Radzig Kobyla's Sword, and even get an Achievement/Trophy for it.

The Reforged Radzig Kobyla's Sword is a longsword with the following stats:

  • Bladed (Long)
  • Min. Strength: 20
  • Min. Agility: 18
  • Stab Damage: 172
  • Slash Damage: 162
  • Blunt Damage: 32
  • Defence: 299
  • Durability: 240
  • Weight: 0

Yes, you read that right, a weight of Zero - because it's tied to the character for story reasons, the sword is weightless as though it were a key item. Obviously the Strength and Agility requirements are somewhat ruthless, but they're worth building towards, especially with these superb damage stats.

Best weapon types in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
KDC2's best armor

The best armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Find out how to get the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best armor to match your weapons!

The best weapon type in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, by my experience, are the Swords, and Longswords in Particular. They're a healthy mix of qualities and attributes - easy to use, fairly damaging, a good mix of speed and impact - but they also gain access to the unique Masterstrike skill that can be learned from Tomcat at the Nomads' Camp in Trosky, a hugely-effective counterattack ability that can damage any foe when done right. Every weapon has its own moves and advantages, but I've yet to find one that matches the Masterstrike in just how much of a game-changer it is (if you moved to the second area and missed the chance, our guide will explain how to get back to previous regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2).

Beyond that, I'd say the two weapon types to keep an eye on and try out are Axes and Bows. Axes serve the function of breaking armor, so it's good to have one ready if you go up against knights or shielded foes - it's worth hunting down the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Axe from the Lake for this reason.

Meanwhile, bows are a little more versatile than crossbows, if a little less damaging. Crossbows can do huge damage, but the most powerful of them take ages to reload, and are really only viable when out to get a Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Stealth kill. If you've got the gold edition of the game, you'll be able to pick up Artemis' crossbow from the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Gallant Huntsman's Kit to get you through the early stages of the game.

It's important to remember that because of the way that skills work in KCD2, you'll get better with weapons the more that you use them. Consequently, it's good to pick what you like relatively early, or else you risk the game getting too challenging to allow for amateur weapon skills (though you can always find skill trainers). Alternatively, you can turn to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 cheats and console commands to fell enemies with ease.

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https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-weapons-best/ FamFwwTL9EBpWdZBcvyzMV Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ Best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 playstyle choice ]]> The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 playstyle choice given to you early on lets you pick between three options: Soldier, Adviser, or Scout, with very little information given about each one. Don't worry - this isn't really locking you into anything, it's just a way to give you a slight initial boost to certain skills that Henry has already, and there's nothing stopping you from investing in other skills and playstyles as you get further into KCD2 later on.

Still, it's worth picking it wisely, as while there's no choice here that will lock off your options, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is pretty ruthless in the early game and every advantage is essential. With that in mind, we'll explain the best playstyle for you to choose below, ranking the three options and explaining what you get out of each of them.

Best playstyle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 to choose

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Playstyle

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Henry is given three playstyles in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 to choose from early on, when answering about his duties to von Bergow's men. The three playstyle choices are as follows:

  • Soldier (Strength and melee combat focus)
  • Adviser (Charisma and dialogue/knowledge focus)
  • Scout (Agility, stealth and ranged combat focus)

Each one will give you a scattering of extra experience in some associated skills, but again - there's nothing you can't learn later. Skills in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are simply learned through doing those actions, so if you pick Soldier but wish you were better at sneaking, just try doing stealth for a while and you'll keep gaining experience in those skills. Remember to spend skill points on perks via the ‘Player’ menu to improve Henry’s abilities even more.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Playstyle

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Of the three, I'd say that Adviser is the best option, followed closely by Soldier. My logic is that with any level of skill in combat can still win fights, it's just a bit harder, but dialogue checks are ultimately pass/fail and you can't redo them without reloading a save, not to mention that early on it's good to be able to talk your way around danger and haggle lower prices until you're better set up to deal with the world.

Still, Soldier is a second choice because while stealth can be very effective, there are a lot of encounters - especially high difficulty ones - where sneaking simply isn't an option, and it's better to have mastered any of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best weapons. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of chances to sneak, especially if you want to burgle a lot, but Kingdom Come likes to put you into direct confrontations where stealth isn't an option fairly frequently.

After choosing your playstyle and finishing the introduction, you'll want to know What to do first in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. If you got the pre-order quest "The Lion's Crest" too, it's worth setting out to find all the different Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor locations as soon as possible.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-playstyle/ VcLsNtWZ2ZM8eMSwP3BMzJ Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How long is Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? Time to beat and hours explained ]]> Wondering how long is Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? Well, depending on your playstyle, that length and time to beat might vary from anywhere from 40 to over 100 hours, but that's incredibly contingent and varies with all sorts of factors - your skill, your interest in side quests, or if you're going for 100% completion. Either way though, this is a long game, so we'll lay out the length of time to beat Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 below, and if you should expect the Medieval Period to last for an age.

How long to beat Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Bozhena bandits

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Depending on how much of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 you expect to go through, here's the time to beat and general length of the game in hours.

  • Main Story / Critical Path: 40-50 hours
  • Standard Playthrough (Main Story + Some Side Content): 50-70 hours
  • 100% Completion / Full Playthrough: 90-110 Hours

Obviously there are a lot of variables here, but beyond how much side content you want to do, what makes it difficult to judge is the high challenge of the game and how easy people find it. If you're not sure what to do first in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 you should try to set yourself up with side quests and semi-optional content to prepare yourself for the challenges of the main plot, the first being the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers blacksmith or miller choice The degree to which you do so will be dependent on your skill level, your patience, and your enjoyment of that optional content. Not to mention that the ruthless Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 save system means that it's possible to get killed and lose hours of progress.

But whether you're doing a lean playthrough that's just really the main story or trying to go for a full completionist run, you can expect at least 40 hours, and that's a pretty conservative estimate. Most players will take at least 50 hours and probably closer to 70. Meanwhile, those going for a completionist experience, trying to do all the side content across the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 map, will probably go over 100 hours unless they're incredibly skilled and focused in their efforts.

Want to know more about KCD2? We've got a huge range of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips here to help you start off the game, or find out where to get a hidden weapon and locate the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Axe from the Lake here

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-how-long-time-to-beat-length/ 48U6XyerZRhXi7e6cSFnr9 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> The best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 horse is outlined below, as well as how to get a horse in the first place, how you can steal them, and how you can get them for free. A horse is technically something you can survive without in KCD2, but you can also survive without a weapon, armor or a place to sleep, and I wouldn't advise it for long. Having a horse massively expands both your ability to travel, but also your inventory space, as the saddlebags can be used to keep anything you're not immediately in need of - a great addition to anybody who's starting to stack up on extra gambesons and waffenrocks.

With that in mind, we'll explain how to get the best horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 below, but considering that's pretty far into the game, we'll also explain how to get free horses in the early stages prior to that, including the near-useless Pebbles and the rather smelly Herring.

Where to get horses in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Horses

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

There are three ways to get horses in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, all of which we've outlined below.

  • Progress through the main story to get certain horses for free.
  • Buy a horse from a horse trader for a high price.
  • Steal a horse and register it with a Horse Handler.

Each of these has its ups and downs, but getting a horse is definitely something you'll want to do at the earliest opportunity. The big reasons why are speed of travel and increased inventory, both of which vary depending on the horse you have.

Keep in mind that you cannot have more than one horse at a time. However you acquire the new one, it always gets rid of the old horse. This means you want to be assured that you're trading up and getting a steed with better stats.

Best horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Meadow, the best horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Of all the horses we've found, we'd say the best horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is Meadow, who is found in the Enemy Camp in the Kuttenberg region on the map marked above (if you haven't unlocked Kuttenberg yet, just keep playing the main story).

Meadow is actually a horse owned by the bandits in that camp, so if you can slay all of them, you can steal the horse and claim it in the method outlined further below. Alternatively, sneak past them in the middle of the night, leap onto Meadow's back, and ride away as fast as you can.

Meadow, the best horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Meadow the Horse has the incredibly good stats shown above, including a superb carrying capacity that can be extended even further with the right saddle. There are horses with similar or individual stats that are better (Meadow's not the most courageous), but Meadow shows extremely high stats as a rule, and you don't even need to break the law to get them.

Getting a horse for free

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Horses

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Certain quests and locations in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 allow the player to obtain horses for free early on, though their stats aren't great. Here are their locations:

  • Pebbles: By pursuing the blacksmith path for the Kingdom Come 2 Wedding Crashers quest, you can find Henry’s starting horse at a horse trader in Semine, who the bandits sold her to. Semine is southwest from the starting village of Troskowitz, and if you succeed on a dialogue check, you can convince the trader that you're the horse's legitimate owner. Pebbles is cute, though has the worst stats in the game.
  • Herring: Continue the main story until you complete the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls quest, which will be anywhere from five to twenty hours in the story, depending on your progress. Afters you'll start a quest called Back in the Saddle, where you'll be given the option by an ally at Trosky Castle to trade your horse in for a new one called Herring. Herring also doesn't have great stats, but nonetheless is better than Pebbles. What horse isn't?

Where to buy horses and Horse Trader locations

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Horses

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

If you're looking for an upgrade and to buy a better horse, you need to find a Horse Trader merchant (marked on the map with the image of a white horse's head). Here are four options for where to find them.

  • Trosky Region
    • Semine Castle (Southwest of Troskowitz)
  • Kuttenberg Region
    • Kuttenberg City (Just South from the Western Gate, within the city walls)
    • Grund (East from Devil's Den)
    • Horse farm West of Maleshov (Southernmost point of the map, down from Bylany)

When you go to a horse trader, do the following:

  1. Go to each horse in the attached paddock and examine it with the Triangle/Y button.
  2. Find one with the stats that meet your needs.
  3. Go to the trader and tell them you want to buy a horse, then say the name of the horse you want.
  4. At this point you'll be given a price, and the chance to haggle. This price also includes any money you get back from selling the horse you already own.
  5. Close the deal to obtain the new horse and sell your old one.

Horses tend to be pretty darn expensive, so buying one will usually be a significant investment and not something that you do often. It's good to examine the stock of a Horse Trader when you first encounter them and commit any really good horses to memory. Then you can start saving up money to buy it later - if you need help with that, we've got a guide to the best possible Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money farm here.

How to steal horses in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Horses

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

To steal a horse in KCD2, you need to do the following:

  1. Find a horse you want to steal by examining it.
  2. Wait to steal it until a moment where you're not being watched (I suggest doing this after dark).
  3. Press the mount button to steal it.
  4. Ride it to a horse handler (or fast travel while mounted on it) and pay the fee to register it as your own.
  5. This will remove your previous horse and make this the new one.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Horses

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Horse theft is a serious crime, so you definitely want to do this without getting caught. I recommend stealing from a Horse Trader - they have the best stock, after all, and the large paddocks and fields mean that there's often large sections of the field that aren't being watched, especially at night.

Registering your horse with a handler isn't cheap, but it is certainly better priced then buying one. A horse worth 5k at the trader dropped to 2.1k when I took it to a handler, a massive discount. And if you can do it without being spotted, there are no consequences to deal with, either reputationally or legally.

There are two Horse Handlers that we know of, though there may be more in undiscovered regions of the map. They are marked with the same horsehead icon as the Traders.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Horses

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
  • Trosky Region
    • Mikolai / Nomad's Camp (West of Bohzena's Home)
  • Kuttenberg Region
    • Stoia / Unnamed lodgings.(West of Kuttenberg City and South of Old Kutna)

It seems as though if you can make it from the scene of the crime to the Handler without being caught by the law, you'll be in the clear. For example, I managed to steal a horse from Grund stables without being caught, then made it to Handler Stoia under cover of darkness and registered it immediately. At that point I could go back to Grund on my stolen horse, even take it to the Trader to get its coat cleaned, and nobody was any the wiser. On a technical level, once you register it, it IS yours.

Want to learn more fundamental mechanics and systems in KCD2? We can show you how to master the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 stealth kill here, or find out how to brew your own Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing potions!

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https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-horse/ RNbrRJmmAs8NFDbneWZeKA Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to play dice in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice is an easy gambling game where need to roll dice and outscore your opponent to win any wagered groschen. It's an incredibly common game within Bohemia found at any tavern. While it's mostly luck-based, it's well worth understanding how it works as it can prove to be quite lucrative if you know a bit about probabilities and how to influence your own luck with special dice and badges. Here's everything you need to know about playing dice games in Kingdom Come 2 and gambling your groschen responsibly.

Where to find dice tables in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice henry setting wager at dice table

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

You'll find a dice table around any tavern in the game so they're always a good place to look. When you start the game properly there are easily accessible dice tables in Troskowitz, Tachov, Semine, and Zhelejov Wagoners' Inn. Dice tables are also marked on your map with a dice icon and when you're near one, you'll see the same icon on your compass.

Approach the table and talk to your opponent to get started, first by choosing whether you want to play with or without a badge and then how much groschen you want to wager. Badges are special tokens that grant the player using them a special ability to help them win. Dice with badges allows higher bets but is inherently less predictable and not all opponents are willing to play with badges. After that, you can swap in any loaded dice and get playing.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice rules and tips

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice rolled on table

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Dice in Kingdom Come 2 is a simple risk/reward game where you and your opponent take turns rolling several dice at once to try and create poker-style hands worth varying amounts of points. This back-and-forth dice rolling continues until one player reaches or exceeds the score limit, winning all the money wagered at the start of the game – this is why playing dice with a bit of save scrubbing can be one of the best ways to make money in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

Your turns always start by rolling all six dice and seeing what the highest number of points you can score is. If possible, you can score multiple combinations per roll too – for example, if you rolled 1,2,4,4,4, and 5, you could score the 1 for 100 points, three 4s for 400 points, and the five for 50 points to get 550 points. I've covered all the possible point combinations further below, but you can also quickly reference them by pressing the 'Help' button while playing.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice straight flush of dice from 1 to 6

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Once you've selected the dice you want to hold using the cursor and pressing X/A (you must select at least one die to hold for every roll), you can continue and roll any remaining dice again to try and earn more points, or you can score and pass to your opponent, banking your points and letting the other player roll until they pass play back to you. If you roll your dice and can't score anything, you go bust and lose all your unbanked points from your current turn.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice gone bust

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Those are the basic rules for dice in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 but there are some tips you should be aware of to maximize your luck and hopefully win plenty of groschen (and be sure to check out the rest of our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips):

  • Only play dice just after you've saved. Knowing how to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is critical as you can use it to reload a checkpoint and avoid a lot of pain and groschen. Sleep or chug some Saviour Schnapps, which you need Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna to brew, and then hit the dice tables, ready to reload if you lose.
  • If your first roll has nothing good, get rid of only one dice. Rolling five dice still gives you a chance of getting a big score, either through a four or five of a kind or by getting a straight flush. If you happen to get multiple 1s or 5s on your first roll, you're probably better off choosing to hold only one of them to ensure you still have a chance of scoring big on your next roll.
  • Don't push your luck, especially when you're down to only three dice. The odds of you scoring a lot of points are drastically lower with only three dice, and the chances of you going bust are quite high and get much worse with just one or two dice. It's best to pass and bank your points if you score well early on.
  • Successfully scoring all six of your dice lets you keep going. If you run out of dice without going bust, it seems like you have no option other than to pass but you can continue your turn and roll all six dice again, potentially accruing a massive score in one turn but also risking losing it all.
  • Use loaded dice to tip the odds in your favor. Before a match starts, you can choose to replace the basic dice with any special dice you've collected on your quests or have bought from NPCs. Always look for loaded dice for sale when trading.
  • Buy badges or win badges to help you win higher stakes games. As mentioned, playing against opponents who are willing to use badges will also be willing to wager more money, so getting badges is important if you're looking to make more money. Many vendors sell the odd badge but after making your Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers blacksmith or miller choice and reaching the wedding, there's a dice tournament you can participate in to get several badges quite easily.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice scoring combinations

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice three of a kind with 4s

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

As mentioned, the scoring in Kingdom Come 2 dice uses a system similar to poker hands where different combinations of dice results are worth different points. Winning relies on you picking out the best possible groupings for maximum points, so make sure you're familiar with every dice combination:

  • 1 – 100 points
  • 5 – 50 points
  • 1,2,3,4,5 – 500 points
  • 2,3,4,5,6 – 750 points
  • 1,2,3,4,5,6 – 1,500 points
  • 1,1,1 – 1,000 points
  • 1,1,1,1 – 2,000 points
  • 1,1,1,1,1 – 4,000 points
  • 1,1,1,1,1,1 – 8,000 points (this is the best possible roll)
  • 2,2,2 – 200 points
  • 2,2,2,2 – 400 points
  • 2,2,2,2,2 – 800 points
  • 2,2,2,2,2,2 – 1,600 points
  • 3,3,3 – 300 points
  • 3,3,3,3 – 600 points
  • 3,3,3,3,3 – 1,200 points
  • 3,3,3,3,3,3 – 2,400 points
  • 4,4,4 – 400 points
  • 4,4,4,4 – 800 points
  • 4,4,4,4,4 – 1600 points
  • 4,4,4,4,4,4 – 3200 points
  • 5,5,5 – 500 points
  • 5,5,5,5 – 1,000 points
  • 5,5,5,5,5 – 2,000 points
  • 5,5,5,5,5,5 – 4,000 points
  • 6,6,6 – 600 points
  • 6,6,6,6 – 1,200 points
  • 6,6,6,6,6 – 2,400 points
  • 6,6,6,6,6,6 – 4,800 points

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-dice-how-to-play/ PMtzR8Xjuq8wYMhkJvCPsD Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ Full Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 map and all regions ]]> The full Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 map is right here - which, in fact, is two maps, one for the Trosky region and one for the larger Kuttenberg area you'll get to visit later on. KCD2's map is pretty big, and while you can uncover it simply by exploring the world organically, unlocking the "Explorer" Perk in the Scholarship skill tree also reveals the entire map and all points of interest by default. I've already unlocked Explorer, so here's the full Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 map for all areas and regions, letting you see where everything is and how to get there.

All Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 maps revealed

The explorer perk for revealing maps in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 has two maps, as the game is split into two areas that you'll gain access to at different points. The first is Trosky, a countryside area made of a network of small villages, and the second is Kuttenberg, named after the Capital in that area, but also including the settlements around it. We've also got a guide on how to get back to Trosky in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, so you know how to journey between the two areas freely.

Trosky Map

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The Trosky map is shown above. You'll start the game in this area, going through a tutorial that takes you to a house between the Nomad's Camp and Zhelejov, and ending up in Troskowitz before you're given the chance to fully explore the zone.

Kuttenberg Map

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The Kuttenberg region is one you'll access about halfway through the campaign of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 after you hit a certain story flag. It's a bigger, more dynamic region, with a huge city of the same name on its east side that's very good for those who engage a lot with traders and merchants (selling weapons and armor you take off bandits here is a great mid-to-late game Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money farm).

There's also a lot of industrial elements here - quarries and large buildings under construction - as well as greater conflict and wealth, with figures of power battling each other. Kuttenberg as a region is more brutal than Trosky, but it's also where you have the opportunity to really get the best the game has to offer.

Want to know more about this huge, historical epic? We've got a guide on finding the best outcome to the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice quest chain, as well as a guide to finding the hidden Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Axe from the Lake.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/deliverance-kingdom-come-2-map/ pVeD4gYvDnkYhZGxj3X9Dd Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to find your Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Gold Edition items ]]> The Kingdom Come 2 Gold Edition Gallant Huntsman's Kit offers useful early-game gear, but you need to find a chest to access it first. Since the Gold Edition also includes the expansion pass for Kingdom Come 2, you'll also get access to four season-themed shields for Henry to use for protection while learning the ropes of this medieval sim. Thankfully, there are multiple chests that you access this gear from but one of them is particularly easy to reach. Here's where you can grab your Gold Edition gear in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 posthaste.

Where to collect your Kingdom Come 2 Gold Edition Gallant Huntsman's Kit gear

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 gold edition gallant huntsman's kit in radovan's forge marked on the map

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

You can't get the Gallant Huntsman's Kit gear from the Kingdom Come 2 Gold Edition until you've spent an hour or so completing the opening of the game, but then it can be one of the first things to do in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Once Henry is in Troskowitz and free to start exploring, you'll want to head north-northwest to the small village of Tachov. However, if you also pre-ordered the game, you can start the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor quest by speaking to scribe Gaibl before you leave Troskowitz.

Once in Tachov, speak to Radovan the blacksmith, who you'll find opposite the inn and near the south entrance of the town. Agree to forge a hunting sword as to begin the side quest "The Blacksmith's Son".

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 gold edition gallant huntsman's kit in radovan's spare room with chest

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Complete this short quest and Radovan will permanently offer a bed in the chamber by the woodshed to sleep in which also had a chest where you'll find your Gold Edition gear. The room is to the left of the front door of Radovan's house, and you'll find the chest behind the door on the right. Many rooms, particularly ones in inns that you pay to stay in have one of these supply chests and the contents transfer between each one, so this isn't the only place you can store or take this gear from.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 gold edition gallant huntsman's kit items in chest

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Here are all the items you'll find in the chest as part of the Gallant Huntsman's Kit and the Shields of Seasons Passing:

  • St. Hubert's hat
  • Master Huntsman's hood
  • Nimrod's coat
  • Master Huntsman's gloves
  • Master Huntsman's hose
  • Master Huntsman's boots
  • Artemis' crossbow
  • Hunting bolt
  • Shield of Spring
  • Shield of Summer
  • Heater Shield – Autumn
  • Shield of Winter

All the armor above has good charisma stats which will help you during conversations and if you chose the adviser Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 playstyle. While you're in Tachov, you can also see about completing the Mice side quest, which eventually leads into the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice quest, and you can begin the hunt for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Silver Axe.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-gold-edition-gallant-huntsmans-kit/ BoCMsRcwUg9nwXjdYEXSGB Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ 11 Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips we wish we'd known before we started playing ]]> Our tips and tricks for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 will help players get to grips with a game that's pretty tough to understand in its early hours. As a medieval life sim set in the 1400s, there's a lot to get to grips with, from combat to exploration to the various gameplay elements and balancing acts involved.

It doesn't help that KCD2 really throws you in at the deep end, as you're left wandering around the Trosky region without even any respectable clothes, let alone a good weapon or any real money. If you want to know what to do first in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, we've got a separate guide covering some key activities to pursue, whereas our sage advice here is focused on general gameplay and survival. Having collectively spent several weeks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, we've come out the other side with all sorts of tips and tricks to help you get a foothold in Bohemia and help Henry with his latest quest.

1. Buy the Marigold Decoction Recipe at the earliest opportunity

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The Apothecary in the starting town of Troskowitz sells you all sorts of helpful items, but most helpful is a recipe to make Marigold Decoctions - aka, healing potions. It's expensive at 150 Groschen, but it should still be an early priority, especially as the actual ingredients to make Marigold Decoctions are very cheap and easy to find. Buying it might seem optional, but this recipe really is essential, and you'll be happier for having it. For more info on this process, we've got a dedicated guide on making your own Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing potions and Marigold Decoctions.

2. Build a Fast Travel network and use it mostly by day

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Each major settlement you reach is a place you can fast travel to, marked on your map by a blue icon with a wheel (if you reach a settlement and it doesn't come up, try exploring around a bit). Having a big network of points to fast travel to makes the game a lot cleaner as an experience, so roaming around between quests to find new areas is another investment that will pay off later.

Secondly, it's safer to use that network by day. When you fast travel there's always a chance of a random encounter, good or bad, but attacks by bandits tend to be more common during nighttime. That still doesn't mean you're safe in daylight hours, but your odds of not being accosted are better.

3. Beds are essential, just make sure they're yours!

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Sleeping in a bed heals you and gives you rest, as well as being one of the methods of how to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, but sleeping in somebody else's bed risks a confrontation with the law. Certain quests will provide you with free beds (such as helping the Blacksmith in Tachov), but you can also go to Taverns and Lodgings and pay for places to stay. A small payment will let you stay for a night, but a bigger one will gain you permanent room, which can help a lot.

There's also a difference between rooms. Go to a tavern and ask for a place to stay, and all they might have is a bale of hay in the barn. Go to a proper inn, and you'll get a bed that provides a better night's rest, as well as access to a chest that serves as a player stash to put spare inventory, as well as food. Of course, the hay bale is likely to be cheaper, and if you're really desperate, you can find abandoned camps in the wilderness, or clear hideouts of bandits so you can use it for yourself.

4. Always haggle, even if it's for pennies

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Haggling is a minigame that you can do with every trade you make, from equipment to horses to beds and more besides. Now, if you haggle poorly, you'll upset the merchant and must pay full price, as well making further haggling attempts difficult. Over time you'll learn the sweet spot for this minigame, but ultimately you should always haggle, even if you ask for very little in terms of a discount. Importantly, you can also haggle when selling to get more groschen out of your own stock!

Successful haggles grant you positive reputation, increase your Speech skill, and over time all that saved money will really start to add up. One good idea is to occasionally haggle the wrong way - offer to pay a little extra to make the merchant love you, then come back and haggle for a really expensive item to get a serious profit.

5. Build three loadouts to match the game's playstyles

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

In your inventory you can have three loadouts that you swap between. You can make these whatever you want, but we recommend building them around the big three Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Playstyles: open combat, stealth and dialogue. You can't swap loadouts during combat or dialogue, so make sure you know what's coming and what you want to be ready for. As you progress through the game, you might even find equipment that pulls double-duty (such as plate armor that grants a hefty charisma boost), and works in both loadouts, though you're unlikely to find a build that works for all three.

6. The Masterstrike is a game-changer attack

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

One of the early abilities you can learn is the Masterstrike, taught to you by a travelling swordsman called Tomcat. You can find him at the Nomad's Camp west of Bozhena's house, and after meeting a few criteria, he'll teach you the Masterstrike, a special counter-attack. It can only be done with swords, but it's incredibly powerful and fairly easy to pull off, deflecting an opponent's strike and hitting them with a follow-up attack that often leaves them vulnerable to even more follow-up attacks. If you're focusing on swordplay, this skill should be an early priority. Frankly, we think that most of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best weapons are longswords, and their ability to use the Masterstrike is part of the reason why.

7. In combat, try to keep opponents in a line

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Fighting is a lot harder when there's more than one enemy to deal with, so your best option in fights with several people is to try and control them - so you only have one at a time to deal with. Back away so they fall into a line to follow you, have Mutt attack one of them to keep him distracted, and stay agile - if you get surrounded, you're probably going to die.

8. Potions don't just heal and cure you, they can make certain challenges easier

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

There are plenty of skills that you'll be terrible at early on, like Speech, Blacksmithing and the Thievery minigames. The only way you develop these talents is with practice (or by reading special skill books), but there are also special consumables you can find and brew yourself like Quickfinger and Perfume, which provide temporary buffs to certain stats. If you're coming up against a challenge you really want to beat - a lock you want to pick or an NPC you want to win over - having these in your pocket can help get you over the edge.

9. There's a stash of money near the start of the game you should grab ASAP

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Northeast from the starting town of Troskowitz you'll find Trosky Castle. You'll come here later as part of the main story, but if you head to the Quarry just outside the castle walls, you can find a stash of 549 Groschen. It's an easy win and a significant cash sum early on that can do a lot to smooth out your early hours. Of course, if you're looking for more ways to get cash rich, we've got a guide on the best possible Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money farm.

10. Find a horse trader, and rob them blind

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Wondering how to get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? You can get a free horse - and even two - when playing the main quest from generous NPCs, but if you want one with better stats you'll have to take a different route. You can buy them from Horse Traders, but we suggest instead finding a Horse Handler, (it's different), then stealing one of the Traders' horses under cover of night so you're not caught doing so. Immediately head to the Handler with your stolen horse, and you can register it as yours for a fraction of the buying price.

11. You can farm Strength by being overencumbered

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

If you want your Strength to go up, pick up everything you can find, and then walk across the map. Seriously! It's boring, but it works and it's easy. Being overencumbered slowly grants you Strength experience, so long walks with a backpack full of armor are a low-risk way to improve your muscle mass and do more damage with melee weapons as a result (as well as increasing your max equip load so that it's harder to be overencumbered).

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-tips/ isJXoEM9Q77wnLVy9sVHYZ Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get back to previous regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> Want to get back to previous regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? Wondering if you can ever go back to old areas once the story takes you out of them? Don't worry, it is possible to go back to previous areas like Trosky and Kuttenberg, even travelling between them freely - but it's not as simple as fast travel, and it's certainly not something you can do for free. Here, we'll explain the process, and where you can find the Caravan needed to bring you between areas and regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

How to go to old regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 travel to previous regions and old areas

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

To go between regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and return to old and previous areas from the story, you need to find a Caravan, marked on the map with an icon of a red wagon. Once you reach this area, find the Coachman, an NPC with a green shirt and red hat.

Speak to the Coachman and ask for passage to the area of your choice. This will cost you 200 Groschen, and there doesn't appear to be any way to haggle it down. Keep in mind that you have to pay this every time you travel - so if you want to go back to Trosky to complete a quest before returning to Kuttenberg, you'll have to pay 400 Groschen (and do this every time you travel). If you're having trouble with that, we've got a Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money farm guide for you.

Keep in mind that you also can't travel until you reach a point in the plot where you unlock the area. You can't use a caravan to go to Kuttenberg until you've reached the point in the story where it naturally takes you there.

Caravan locations in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 travel to previous regions and old areas

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

To find a Caravan, there are two major ones we know of so far, one in the two regions:

  • Trosky Region: In the open fields and farmland at the edge of the map, Southeast of Troskowitz
  • Kuttenberg Region: On the road West from Suchdol castle.

Don't worry, the caravans don't move around when you're not there. These locations serve as the equivalent of train stations for you to access this long-distance travel, so just grab your Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 horse and ride on over when you're ready to go to a new area of the map.

In short, you can travel between old areas and regions in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 by finding the red caravans and paying the Coachmen 200 Groschen each time.

Want more details on how to play KCD2? Find out all the best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips here, or if you're headed back to Trosky to clean up side quests, find out the best ending to the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice questline here!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-travel-previous-regions-areas/ rUVwV6mNAjRPaKDU4etMk7 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ What to say to the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 bandits at Bozhena's house ]]> The bandits outside Bozhena's house and cabin in the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Fortuna questline after you go to get herbs can be dealt with in a few ways. The two men called Mikesh and Kozliek claim to be from Von Bergow, the local lord, but that claim is suspect, to say the least, and frankly something you shouldn't take at face value. Bozhena's trying to talk them away and the quest log tells you to arm yourself in preparation for a conflict, but there's multiple ways to handle these bandits and save Bozhena and Hans Capon back inside the house.

We'll lay them out below and what you need to do to get through one of the earlier choices in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and what the best strategy is. Keep in mind of all the three main routes to handle them - stealth, dialogue or combat - you'll have a personal advantage depending on which of the three Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Playstyles you chose at the beginning of the game.

The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 bandits at Bozhena's house explained and how to get rid of them

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Bozhena bandits

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

After coming back from collecting herbs for Bozhena in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's early quest Fortuna, you'll see the two bandits outside Bozhena's house asking about you and Hans Capon in the house. There are three ways for you to handle them:

  • Dialogue and lying about who you are
  • Combat and using the Work Axe to attack them
  • Waiting for them to finish talking and then try to stealth kill them

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Bozhena bandits

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Ultimately, the best option depends on whether you want their equipment or not. None of it is hugely valuable, with the slight exception of the Tin Badge of Headstart that Kozliek is holding, something that will allow you to gain a small advantage when playing the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 dice minigame.

However, it goes without saying that going into combat or even attempting a Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 stealth kill risks a fight where you might get cut down or badly hurt. I'd say it's worth the risk if you're confident about your fighting skill. The gear isn't very good, but it's so early on in the game that you should get whatever you can - every bit of gear and clothing has some value, even if it's just to sell later on.

Dialogue and peaceful options

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Bozhena bandits

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

You can get rid of the bandits with dialogue and non-violence by stepping out into the open and talking to them, where you'll have two dialogue options.

  1. We're messengers and we were ambushed.
  2. You don't look like von Bergow's men.

Pick the second one! These are men here to hunt you, so telling them your identity will immediately aggro them.

After that, you have several more options for dialogue.

  1. We're messengers and we were ambushed. (Aggro)
  2. You're looking in the wrong place. (Lie) (Coercion check)
  3. Clear off! (Intimidation check)
  4. We sent them away. (Lie) (Survival).
Tips and Tricks for Kingdom Come 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Finding it all a little tricky? Don't worry, we've got a range of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tips to help you out and get to grips with 15th Century Bohemia!

Picking the first one will just get them to attack you. Beyond that, all three options can get rid of them, but you have to pass the check. The best thing you can do is pick whichever one you have the highest number for at the top for the best chance. Keep in mind that if you equip the axe so it's visibly on you, you'll have a better intimidation score.

Pass any of the three checks, and you'll send the bandits away. You won't get any of their gear, but you won't get hurt either. However, screw it up, and they'll both attack you.

In summary, fighting the bandits outside Bozhena's house will get you some basic loot, but at this point in the game basic loot is still worth something. Alternatively, passing a dialogue check will get rid of them without any combat, assuming you don't tell them the truth about who you are.

Want to know more about KCD2? Check out how to get a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 so you can mount up ASAP, or find out how to get a powerful weapon early on with our guide to the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Axe from the Lake.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-bandits-bozhena-fortuna/ MjoSKTDDjsjy6ibgvVyNvA Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get the best ending for the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice quest ]]> The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice quest is your opportunity to finally end the long-running feud between the Tachovites and Zhelejovites, but there's one outcome that is far better than siding with either of the villages. Rather than joining either Innkeeper Prochek or Old Olbram in the pasture that is the subject of the dispute, you should instead start an investigation with a bit of help from Bailiff Thrush in Troskowitz. Pursuing this path leads you to getting the best outcome for the Battle of the Frogs and Mice side quest in Kingdom Come 2, and I've laid out exactly how it works below.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice best ending

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice making up with the zhelejovites

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

If you've started the Battle of the Frogs and Mice side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 by speaking to either Innkeeper Prochek in Tachov or Old Olbram in Zhelejov, you can get the best outcome for this quest by asking them if they wouldn't rather make up – don't agree to meet the villagers in the pasture that they both lay claim to just yet!

Doing this leads you to Bailiff Thrush in Troskowitz where you can dig deeper into the dispute between the two villages. However, before you go any further, I highly recommend completing both the "Mice" and "Frogs" side quests if you haven't already – doing both isn't essential to getting the best outcome, but going too far with Battle of the Frogs and Mice will lock you out of whichever quest you didn't do, therefore missing out on some groschen.

Otherwise, here's what you need to do to complete the Battle of the Frogs and Mice side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 with the best ending:

  1. Talk to Bailiff Thrush in Troskowitz about the feud and say, "Von Bergow would reward you", when prompted. This leads to him telling you about a nonsensical chronicle written by a previous Bailiff that you need to decipher.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice telling bailiff Thrush that Von Bergow would reward him for his help

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Head into the Rathaus where you can find Scribe Gaibl during the day (he tells you about the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor) and read the large book on the plinth to the right of Gaibl.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice Troskowitz chronicle marked in Rathaus

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Flip all the way to the last page where you'll find a Latin phrase in red: "Fecit ordinem in regione ope clavi ferrei".
  2. Ask Gaibl about the Latin phrase. His translation suggests there's an iron nail that marks the border between Tachov and Zhelejov in the disputed pasture.
  3. Follow your map to the highlighted field between the two villages and look for the tall tree almost right in the middle of the highlighted area on the map, next to the main path.
  4. Examine the old nail sticking out the tree's trunk and then return to Troskowitz and tell Thrush that you found it.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Battle of the Frogs and Mice border nail marked on tree with map

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Examine the old nail sticking out the tree's trunk and then return to Troskowitz and tell Thrush that you found it.
  2. Go to back to whoever started the Battle of the Frogs and Mice for you (either Prochek or Olbram) and tell them that you're ready to meet the other village in the pasture. You'll then automatically fast travel to the pasture, tell the villagers about the nail dividing the pasture with Thrush's help, and then everyone will disperse.
  3. Talk to Thrush about the dispute being settled and then say, "happy to help". This leads to him giving you the Master's Studies 1 book, to which you should say, "thank you". Asking about groschen as a reward and saying that a book is better than nothing leads to you losing reputation with Thrush so it's best to avoid these dialogue options.

And with that, you've resolved the Battle of the Frogs and Mice in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, getting you an achievement/trophy for your diplomatic efforts as well as the book. While Master's Studies 1 doesn’t seem like a thrilling reward, you can study it to improve your Scholarship skill and then sell it to a scribe for groschen later. Siding with either of the villages also gets you some Groschen as well as reputation but I'd argue getting the book is worth the effort.

There are plenty of other choices and tricky moments in this medieval RPG, notably the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls quest. While you're exploring around Tachov and Zhelejov, it's also worth hunting down the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Silver Axe.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-battle-of-the-frogs-and-mice/ uJDgKE5wKiVMCvD9L2Bkfg Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to find the Axe from the Lake in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> The Kingdome Come Deliverance 2 Axe from the Lake side quest has you digging around the hills near Rockwater Pond in search of a legendary silver axe. If you convince Zdenyek the Mouth in Tachov to share a story, he’ll tell you about two brothers and how one of them came to get the silver axe from a water goblin while the other was drowned the goblin. In the end, the drowned brother was buried on a hill along with the axe, so you can do some light graverobbing and dig up this fabled weapon. I've explained how to find the Axe in the Lake in Kingdom Come 2 below, and make sure you bring a shovel!

Kingdom Come 2 Axe from the Lake location

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 silver axe locations map rockwater pond pier and dig spot

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

When looking for the Axe from the Lake using the map and journal in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you'll notice a large area is highlighted around Rocktower Pond in the west of the Trosky region. The axe is buried in a grave found on top of the hill roughly north of the Rockwater Pond pier within this highlighted area.

To make the search straightforward, you can head to the pond's pier to start a short trek up the hill, finding landmarks mentioned in Zdenyek's story that eventually lead to the grave. Here's exactly how you reach the Rockwater Pond pier starting point and uncover the silver axe in Kingdom Come 2:

  1. Head westbound along the path on the northern side of Rockwater Pond. This path is easily accessible from Zhelejov or the Zhelejov Wagoners' Inn.
  2. Look out for a narrow path on your left that leads down to the pond bank and the pier. The pier is also clearly visible on the map so you can set a checkpoint to more easily direct yourself there.
  3. Turn around and head back up the narrow path but keep going straight ahead towards a new path that goes between two large rock formations.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 silver axe path up the hill between two large rock formations

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Follow the path up the hill and you'll eventually reach an old oak tree on the right followed by a large rock on the left.
  2. Carry on a little further until you reach the crest of the hill path. To your left and slightly down the other side of the hill, you'll be able to spot a disturbed patch of dirt near a tree overlooking the valley ahead.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 silver axe grave dig spot on top of the hill overlooking the valley

(Image credit: Deep Silver)
  1. Approach and dig up the grave to uncover a gemstone silver ring, which can be sold to make some Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 money, and the broken silver axe.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 broken silver axe in grave inventory menu

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

Now that you have the Kingdome Come 2 axe, you need to fix it at a blacksmith. Hopefully you've got acquainted with Radovan the smithy in Tachov, so fast travel over there and use his blacksmithing gear to forge the adorned axe – this requires the broken axe and one fastening material, which you can buy for less than two groschen from Radovan.

Forge the axe like normal, heating the axe head up until it's yellow-hot, then hammer it out on both sides until it has been shaped. Once you're done, you'll have the adorned axe in your inventory, so you can tell Zdenyek the good news to wrap up the quest and then then sharpen the axe to a deadly edge at a grindstone. While you're in Tachov, be sure to grab any Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Gold Edition Gallant Huntsman's Kit items you might have from the chest in Radovan's spare room.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 adorned axe successfully forged

(Image credit: Deep Silver)

It might not be one of the best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 weapons, but it's a solid early-game chopper with great slashing damage and a bit of blunt damage too, sitting between the stabbing and slashing power of a sword and the bludgeoning force of a mace. I recommend using a shield as well to make up for its poor defense. If you're strapped for cash, it's also quite valuable compared to many other weapons found in the early game – Radovan was offering around 120 groschen for it before haggling – so selling it to get some is certainly an option, but why not get some use out of this legendary axe first?

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-silver-axe-from-the-lake-location/ 32JNcEmVkGQCuEqMFtNv4M Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to Stealth Kill in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 ]]> A Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 stealth kill or sneaky takedown gives you two options - either choking them out into unconsciousness, or a backstab with a Dagger. You can still kill them once they're down with a "Slaughter" option - driving your sword into their sleeping body - but there's ultimately advantages to both methods, and which you should do depends on the situation you're in.

Below, we'll explain how to stealth kill enemies in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, as well as how stealth and backstabs work generally, as well as where you can get a dagger for the silent kills.

The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 stealth kill system explained

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Stealth kills

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

You can do a stealth kill in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 by finding and equipping a Dagger. Once you have a dagger, you need to equip it in your inventory like a weapon, but you can't actually hold it in your hand like a normal sword or bow. Don't worry - once it's equipped, you'll get an extra prompt when you're standing behind an enemy and unseen to perform a stealth kill by holding down L2/LT.

You can do something similar without a dagger called a Chokehold, simply by tapping the L2/RT button. Either way, you then have a timed reaction: press R2/RT when the blue sword icon comes up to complete the kill/chokehold.

There's a chance it'll fail anyway - this is a percentage based on your skills - at which point the enemy will try to elbow you and get free. When this happens, press L2/LT to counter their blow. If you time it just right (it is a very small window), you'll manage to overpower them and complete the stealth kill/chokehold. At this point, you can drop or carry the body away. if you picked the Scout when choosing your Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Playstyle early on, you'll have an immediate stat bonus to stealth and thievery.

Should you knock out or kill people?

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Stealth kills

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The advantages of a knockout over a kill are mixed - obviously if you're committing a crime, stabbing a guard to death will impose much more severe consequences over just knocking him out, and killing anybody will incur massive reputation penalties with that faction if your crime is detected and pinned on you.

On the other hand, knocking a foe out means that they will eventually come back around. This takes some time in-game, but if another enemy finds them, they can be awoken immediately. Choose which you do accordingly with that information: a bloody kill is easier now, but might punish you more later. If you choke somebody out and change your mind, you can hold R2/RT over their body to "Slaughter" (stab them with your sword).

How to get a Dagger in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Stealth kills

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

Daggers in KCD2 are sold by most Blacksmiths and many merchants - they're not hard to find and usually not very expensive. There's also no difference between different daggers - one knife is the same as another. Try checking the smiths' in Tachov or Trosky Castle if you're early in the game.

There's also one special dagger you can get in The Lion's Crest pre-order quest, "Brunswick's Dagger". It doesn't do anything different, but it has a different skin, and you get it for free for finding the first treasure cache. If you want help with that, we've got all the different Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Brunswick armor locations here!

If you're learning the ropes of KCD2, there's plenty more to get to grips with! Find out our pick of the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best weapons here, or discover where to get Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing potions and Marigold Decoctions!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-stealth-kill/ NZxn3JCaqhwbsBHAdp2teC Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls quest walkthrough ]]> Our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough is something that will show how to save Hans Capon from prison - and execution - before time runs out in just a few hours. As a prisoner yourself in Trosky Castle after causing a ruckus in the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest, this is easier said than done. Capon's status means that if you could prove he is a noble to the Chamberlain then you could probably help him avoid the gallows, but there's no clear way of doing that when the quest starts.

With time on the line, we'll show a guaranteed method to complete the For Whom the Bell Tolls quest, how to save Hans Capon and even Captain Thomas, a special character who can significantly help you with this quest. If you're struggling with one of the most nuanced missions in KCD2, we'll lay out what you need to do and where to go.

Full walkthrough For Whom the Bell Tolls in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

The Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 quest For Whom the Bell Tolls has multiple ways and options to complete it, but we've laid out what is probably the easiest and most straightforward below.

The objective here is to cure Captain Thomas of his fever, so he can verify Hans' identity and save him. Captain Thomas is at the very top of the Maiden Tower, but what you need to cure him is in the Crone. Of the three Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Playstyles, it's dialogue and stealth that'll really help you progress here, as well as some puzzle-solving lateral thinking.

How to save Sir Hans from execution and cure Thomas

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
  1. Haul 3 sacks to the Charcoal Shed as instructed. This is easy work with no challenge, just do as you're told for now.
  2. Speak to the Blacksmith and make a horseshoe as instructed. This new job gives you access to the inner courtyard where the Smithy is situated.
  3. Go to the Smithy and loot the red pot on the shelf to steal some lockpicks. Helping the woman with the stuck door will eventually tell you that those picks are there, but you don't need to do that now!

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
  1. Go to the kitchens of the Maiden and speak with Chamberlain Ulrich. He's complaining of stomach pains. Pick the dialogue option you're best at (Knowledge, Speech, or Survival) to diagnose him. He'll tell you to brew a potion in the Crone tower study, and grant you access to that tower so you can.
  2. Go to the Crone Tower and ascend the stairs to the Alchemy room. You'll find a familiar face in here called Katherine. Talk to her for a bit until she leaves.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
  1. Pick up the "Physician's Journal" book on the shelf to your left and read it to learn about Fever Tonic. This is made from Feverfew, Ginger and Elderberry Leaves. You can find these individually around the castle in the locations mentioned in the book, but there's an easier way.
  2. In the same room, lockpick the Very Easy chest next to the alchemy table. This will have all the ingredients you need to make the Fever Tonic.
  3. Brew the Fever Tonic at the Alchemy Table according to the recipe. It's a simple recipe, but make sure you don't screw it up - otherwise you'll have to go and source new ingredients from those locations mentioned in the book. You can also make some Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 healing potions and Marigold Decoctions here, or any other potions you have the recipes for. They're not essential to this quest, but it's always good to have them.
  4. Head to the Maiden Tower. You'll have some access to the lower levels, but not the higher ones, which means you'll need to start sneaking.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)
  1. Sneak up the Maiden Tower to its highest level. Use thrown stones to distract guards and play cautiously. Take every staircase going upwards that you can find, even when you enter the scaffold and rafters of the building. Even if you have a dagger, don't do the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 stealth kill if you can avoid it - you'll need to befriend these people later!
  2. Cure Captain Thomas. Speak to Adela at the top of the tower and give her the Fever Tonic to end the mission!

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 For Whom the Bell Tolls walkthrough

(Image credit: Deep Silver/PLAION)

There's all sorts of other ways around this quest, with different ways to get in, different characters you can appeal to, and more besides. For example, if you fall down the well near Kabat and resign yourself to breaking both legs, there's a cave at the bottom that lets you sneak into the Maiden tower. Still, this method works, is relatively simple, and aside from the challenge of sneaking up the Maiden tower shouldn't prove too difficult. Still, we recommend using the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 save system fairly frequently, so you don't have to redo the whole thing if you screw it up.

The important thing to remember is that you are on the clock and being timed! Every time the tower bell rings, an in-game hour has passed. If twelve hours pass, Hans will be executed.

Once you're free and back in the world, it's time to spread your wings! We can show you what you need to do to get the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best weapons, or find out where to get all the Brunswick armor in our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Lion's Crest walkthrough!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action-rpg/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-for-whom-the-bell-tolls-walkthrough-hans-execution/ TmusmxkXH4hjr89MxhkXuS Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ Everything in the Helldivers 2 Servants of Freedom Warbond ]]> The Helldivers 2 Servants of Freedom warbond is out now, with new weapons, armor, stratagems and more besides. Each premium Warbond, or battle pass, in HD2 has a theme, and this one seems to be self-sacrifice, to put it mildly, with a range of gear that destroys the enemy but seems to put the user in some level of risk. With that in mind, a Warbond about blowing yourself up might not be for everybody (though in this game it definitely feels on-theme), so we've got everything you need to know about the Servants of Freedom warbond in Helldivers 2, including the rewards and more besides!

All rewards in the Servants of Freedom Warbond in Helldivers 2

Servants of Freedom Warbond in Helldivers 2

(Image credit: Sony)

Below we've listed all the rewards that you can get in the Servants of Freedom Warbond in HD2, as well as their prices in Medals

  • Page 1
    • Weapons
      • Las-17 Double-Edge Sickle (Primary Weapon): A version of the Sickle with an extended magazine that also deals damage to the user and those nearby when it overheats. (35 Medals)
    • Armor
      • IE-3 Martyr Armor (Medium armor): Causes the player to explode on death, dealing damage to all around them. (45 Medals)
      • IE-3 Martyr (Helmet): Standard helmet stats. (30 Medals)
    • Cosmetics
      • Fre Liberam (Cape): Gray cape with an eagle/sword insignia. (8 Medals)
      • Fre Liberam (Player card): Gray player card with an eagle/sword insignia. (2 Medals)
    • 100 Super Credits: (7 Medals)
  • Page 2 (Spend 95 Medals to unlock)
    • Weapons
      • GP-31 Ultimatum (Secondary Weapon): A very short-range launcher that creates a massive explosion on contact. (40 Medals)
    • Armor
      • IE-12 Righteous Armor Set (Medium armor): Causes the player to explode on death, dealing damage to all around them (yes, it has identical stats and abilities to the Martyr). (55 Medals)
      • IE-12 Righteous (Helmet): Standard helmet stats. (45 Medals)
    • Cosmetics
      • Per Democrasum (Cape): Black cape with yellow and gold highlights. (25 Medals)
      • Per Democrasum (Player card): Black player card with yellow and gold highlights. (7 Medals)
    • 100 Super Credits: (12 Medals)
  • Page 3 (Spend 230 Medals to unlock)
    • Weapons
      • G-50 Seeker (Throwable): A thrown device that turns into a small drone that follows the player around. It then flies at nearby enemies and explodes, prioritizing targets that the player pings. (65 Medals)
    • Stratagems
      • Portable Hellbomb: A backpack Hellbomb that players can carry and deploy at a moment of their choosing. 10 second fuse. (110 Medals)
    • Cosmetics
      • Raise Weapon (Emote): Lift your weapon in triumph. (25 Medals)
      • Servant of Freedom (Player Title): (25 Medals)
    • 100 Super Credits: (32 Medals)

The focus on equipment and weapons that hurt the user or put them at risk feels pretty typical of Helldivers 2, as well as being suitable for the first anniversary of the game's release.

How to get the Servants of Freedom Warbond

Servants of Freedom Warbond in Helldivers 2

(Image credit: Sony)

The Servants of Freedom Warbond is live right now and costs 1000 Super Credits, same as the previous warbonds throughout the game. If you need to know how to get Helldivers 2 Super Credits in game, our guide will show you the quickest way to farm them for yourself.

Still catching up on details from the previous update? Find out how to master the Helldivers 2 fast recon vehicle here, or check out everything you need to know about those damn Squids - aka, the Helldivers 2 Illuminate faction!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/third-person-shooter/helldivers-2-servants-of-freedom-warbond/ NB4CsT9yveaC8px2U8akMX Tue, 04 Feb 2025 15:35:21 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure ]]> Wondering how to dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure? While diving itself is fairly easy, unlocking the diving ability takes some effort. In short, you must level up your friendships, do a bunch of different quests, collect various materials, and craft your own diving equipment. It’s worth the hassle though, as the ability to dive grants access to the underwater region in the middle of the map. From your first swim to snorkel-crafting, this guide will show you how to dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

How to unlock diving in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

A player diving in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

When you first start playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you won’t be able to swim or dive yet as you don’t have flippers or a snorkel. If you walk into the water, the screen will go black and you’ll respawn on the shore. I’ll explain everything in more detail below, but to sum up, here’s what you need in order to dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure:

  1. Unlock the gate to Lilypad Lagoon.
  2. Do the ‘Finding Flippers’ quest to obtain flippers.
  3. Do the ‘Deep Diving’ quest to obtain the snorkel.

How to unlock the Lilypad Lagoon in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Keroppi's location in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

To unlock the Lilypad Lagoon map, the swamp northeast of the Resort Island, follow the main questline until you get the Power up the Gate quest, which involves a search for three Hello Kitty Island Adventure yellow power crystal locations. Once you have the crystals, walk to the large gate that separates the Resort Island from the Lilypad Lagoon, and open it.

Next, you must find the NPC called Keroppi in the Lilypad Lagoon. Starting from the gate, walk northeast to the position shown on the map above. Keroppi will give you the Finding Flippers quest, which must be completed to unlock swimming, and ultimately, diving.

How to get the flippers in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

The scrap location in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

To complete Finding Flippers, all you need is one piece of strap. Although you technically need a set of fins as well, Keroppi will simply hand this to you, so there’s no need to search for them.

Strap can be found in a treasure chest in Lilypad Lagoon, just northwest of Keroppi’s location. Look for the small pier in the green pond, as shown in the picture above.

With the fins and strap in your pocket, walk back to Chococat’s camp and use the crafting table to make a pair of flippers. No need to equip the flippers - once you’ve crafted them, you can walk into the water and swim around!

How to get the Hello Kitty Island Adventure snorkel

Kuromi giving the Deep Diving quest in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Swimming is fun and all, but you’ve yet to unlock the diving ability. To obtain the snorkel and unlock diving, here’s what you must do:

  1. Find Kuromi at the entrance to the Spooky Swamp (walk north through the Lilypad Lagoon).
  2. Reach friendship level 6 with Kuromi by doing her quest (Re-haunt the Spooky Swamp) and giving her gifts.
  3. Upon reaching level 6, speak with Kuromi to start the Deep Diving quest.
  4. Jump into the water behind Kuromi (see picture above) and press ‘CTRL’ to dive down. Grab the locket at the bottom of the pond and give it to Kuromi.
  5. Kuromi rewards you with the snorkel crafting recipe. Go to the crafting table and make one.

The snorkel’s crafting recipe requires 10 rubber balls, two sparks, and 2 ingots. If you don’t have these items yet, here’s how to get them:

  • Collect the rubber balls on the Resort Island. We’ve got a more detailed guide on how to find rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure to help you out.
  • Complete the quest called ‘A Zipline Adventure’ (given by Pochacco) to get the sparks crafting recipe. You’ll need three light stones to craft one spark - if you give some gifts to Kuromi, she’ll gift you some lightning stones in return, so you probably have a few by now.
  • The ingot crafting recipe is on a barrel just northwest of the Gemstone Town teleport waypoint. You’ll need three pieces of iron to craft an ingot, and you can find more ingot on Mount Hothead.

The snorkel crafting recipe in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Now that you’ve got a snorkel, you can dive anywhere you like. Just swim towards the location you’d like to explore and press ‘CTRL’ to swim downwards. The stamina circle will tell you how much oxygen you’ve got left. You can swim upwards by pressing ‘shift’, but don’t worry about the oxygen too much - if you run out, your character will swim upwards automatically. Luckily, there’s no drowning in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/adventure/hello-kitty-island-adventure-how-to-dive/ WVWghFWueTHavidHYUDrAY Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:19:55 +0000
<![CDATA[ Everything you need to know about MTG Aetherdrift ]]>

MTG Aetherdrift Bundle box on a tarmac surface, in from of a checkered start line

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

1. What is it?
2. Release date
4. Mechanics
5. Story
6. Deals

MTG Aetherdrift is revving its engines as launch day approaches, and we're now just a few weeks away from the racing-themed set. What makes it stand out from other Magic: The Gathering releases, though? And is it worth betting on?

Our team is here to give you the lowdown on this multiversal death race, from the exact release date to new mechanics being introduced for MTG Aetherdrift. We've also included the full product lineup and where to get the goods for less (our price-matching software is always on the lookout for deals, so any bargains will appear below).

Basically, this is a pitstop for anyone wanting to swot up on all things Aetherdrift. We'll update this page with tips from our in-house experts as we approach the finish line too, so keep an eye out if you're looking to master one of the best card games.

What is MTG Aetherdrift?

A humanoid with a giant eye for a head holds up a microphone while a variety of cars get ready at the starting line

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • The first main set of 2025
  • Racing-themed
  • Visits multiple MTG worlds

Aetherdrift is the first major, main-line Magic set of 2025. That means it includes a couple of premade Commander decks, a Bundle, and alongside the usual Play and Collector Boosters.

In terms of what it's about, this is a racing-themed product that draws on everything from Mario Kart to Mad Max. That means you'll find racers from multiple worlds we've visited before in MTG lore, not to mention a few we haven't. Plenty of existing characters are skidding onto the racetrack for MTG Aetherdrift as well; Chandra and Loot are amongst the returning faces we'll see behind the wheel.

MTG Aetherdrift release date

MTG Aetherdrift collector cards on a racing strip, against a red and green background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

We don't have long to wait until MTG Aetherdrift screeches past the finish line; it's only a few weeks away, and will actually arrive in tabletop form on Valentine's Day. Who says romance is dead?

Here's the exact release schedule, including the launch window for MTG Arena:

  • Story: January 14, 2025
  • Debut: January 21, 2025
  • Card previews: January 21 - 31, 2025
  • Pre-release: February 7 - 13, 2025
  • MTG Arena release: February 11, 2025
  • Tabletop release: February 14, 2025

As an aside, it's worth pointing out that the digital version for MTG Arena is coming out early. Rather than dropping on Valentine's day, mobile and PC players will get it a couple of days early on February 11.

MTG Aetherdrift products

An armored mammoth with a howdah carrying lizards charges through a jungle setting

(Image credit: Wizards of Coast )
  • Two Commander decks
  • Play & Collector boosters
  • Bundle & Pre-release

As the first major set of 2025 (and unlike MTG Innistrad Remastered), Aetherdrift gets everything publisher Wizards of the Coast can throw at it. That means Play Boosters, Collector Boosters, Commander decks, a Bundle, and more.

Want the full lowdown? Here you go.

Commander decks

MTG Aetherdrift includes Commander decks like all other main releases, but it breaks the mold by having two instead of the usual four. It's not clear why Wizards of the Coast have stripped things back, but perhaps this will avoid one particular deck being so popular it becomes wildly overpriced while the others languish in its shadow.

Oddly, neither of these decks focus on driving or racers to any great degree.

Living Energy | View at Amazon
This Green, Blue, and Red deck uses its face Commander (the artificer Saheeli) to store energy and power up artifact creatures for a "big finish." If you enjoy the classic Green-style energy ramp, this deck looks to fill that niche.

Eternal Might | View at Amazon
A White Blue Black deck emphasizing the dear old dead, Eternal Might takes us to the plane of Amonkhet where you burn through cards to build up a massive undead army. Its face Commander, Temmet, allows you to draw and discard a card each turn, and Zombies in your control get a +1/+1 whenever you do.

Play Boosters

As always, Play Boosters are available for this MTG set. They're perfect for Limited formats like Draft and Sealed, though you can of course use them to build up decks.

Play Booster | View at Miniature Market
As with all Play Boosters, you get 14 cards here. These are mostly Common, but you'll also get between one and four cards of Rare rarity or higher (alongside the chance for a "Special Guest Mythic Rare from Magic’s history featuring new Borderless art"). One Traditional Foil card of any rarity will be included too, and 20% of packs could net you a Traditional Foil Land.

Play Booster Box | View at Amazon
This enormous box of Play Boosters gets you 30 packs in total, numbering 420 cards in total. That's slightly less than previous boxes, oddly enough.

Collector boosters

As the name would suggest, these are made for the collectors amongst you thanks to including cards you won't get anywhere else. However, they're more expensive as a result.

Collector Booster | View on Amazon
As usual, individual Collector Booster packs provide you with 15 cards each. You'll receive six alt-border cards alongside five special cards of rarity Rare or higher.

Collector Booster Box | View at Amazon
This is easily the most expensive item in the MTG Aetherdrift range, but it's crammed with highly sought-after cards. Indeed, you're getting 12 Booster packs per box.

Bundles & Prerelease

If you want the best possible kickoff to Aetherdrift or are buying a present for the Magic fan in your life the following options will be perfect:

Bundle | View at Amazon
These packs include multiple Play Boosters (nine, in this case) to go with a specially-themed die, 40 Land cards, a storage box, and a special alt-art Traditional Foil card you won't find anywhere else.

Finish Line Bundle | View at Amazon
This special version of the Bundle includes two Collector Boosters alongside six Play Boosters, 20 foil Lands, a couple of Box Topper cards, a storage box, a Spindown life counter, and stickers.

Prerelease | View at Amazon
Head to the prerelease events for MTG Aetherdrift and you can snag yourself a special boxset with boosters, tokens, and special dice.

MTG Aetherdrift mechanics

Aetherdrift Commander cards on a desert background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

As the first 'main' set of 2025, MTG Aetherdrift introduces a raft of new and returning mechanics to spice up your games. Unsurprisingly, these are all racing themed. Here's a brief overview.

  • Speed: Appropriately, the biggest addition for Aetherdrift is Speed. You gain a point of Speed whenever an opponent loses life during your turn, and if you reach Max Speed (a score of 4), certain abilities might trigger. 'Streaking Oilgorger' gains lifelink at Max Speed, for example.
  • Start Your Engines: Cards with this ability allow you to start building up Speed.
  • Exhaust: This is all about giving you a much-needed boost, representing the old saying "pedal to the metal." However, it can only be used once per card.
  • Vehicle: Unsurprisingly, a set about racing includes vehicles. This returning mechanic introduces cars and more that can be crewed by other cards for specific effects.
  • Mount & Saddle: These aren't new mechanics, but they are appropriate for this set's high-speed theme. Saddling a mount (by tapping cards) usually gives that creature a bonus.
  • Cycling: Racing along on your... bicycle? Here's another returning mechanic that lets you discard a card and draw another one.

MTG Aetherdrift story

A humanoid with a giant eyeball for a head waves a racing flag while watching cars at the start line

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • Story revisits Kaladesh, now called Avishkar
  • Involves a death race across the multiverse
  • Prize is an Aetherspark which can make anyone a Planeswalker

Because this is Magic's first major set of 2025, a multi-part story is available to provide context for all the shenanigans you'll be getting up to over the next few months.

Things kick off on Avishkar (a steampunk plane that used to be called Kaladesh) following a revolution that deposed the former, corrupt government. As a way to usher in this fresh start, the new rulers are throwing the multiversal Ghirapur Grand Prix - a legitimized version of a once-illegal street race. The winner earns the 'Aetherspark,' a mystical treasure that turns its bearer into a Planeswalker (AKA someone with the ability to travel the multiverse at will).

Numerous characters from Magic: The Gathering history are approaching the start line, including Chandra Nalaar, an interdimensional critter known as Loot, and Winter - a survivor from the horror-themed realm of MTG Duskmourn. All of them have a reason to seek out the Aetherspark, but only one can get there first. You can catch up on the official plot here.

Best MTG Aetherdrift deals

Aetherdrift Play and Collector Boosters laid out on tarmac, with a d20 die between them

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

Hoping to save on Aetherdrift? Not a problem. Our price-matching software is always on the lookout for the lowest possible price, and you'll find these displayed below.

If you're new to the hobby, don't miss our guide on how to play Magic: The Gathering. For those wanting to break into the game's premier match type, be sure to check out this feature on how to play MTG Commander as well.

https://www.gamesradar.com/tabletop-gaming/everything-you-need-to-know-about-mtg-aetherdrift/ VdHc7p8hmX6JgKEKRWw2W7 Mon, 03 Feb 2025 17:41:46 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to sign up for Battlefield Labs ]]> Battlefield Labs is a new community development collaboration announced by EA and the collective Battlefield Studios teams, allowing players to get involved and directly help influence the future of the Battlefield series. Through playtesting, the community will get hands-on experience of new concepts in development, then will provide feedback to shape what gets taken forward or ends up on the cutting room floor. If you'd like a chance to get involved in this process, here's how to sign up for Battlefield Labs.

Sign up For Battlefield Labs now

Battlefield Labs

(Image credit: Electronic Arts)

To sign up for Battlefield Labs, you need to follow this sign up link and log in with your EA account details, before being taken to the next stage of the registration process. At the time of writing, there is a virtual queuing system in place with tens of thousands of players trying to sign up, so you'll need to be patient and keep track of where you are in the queue. When it gets to your turn, you'll have 15 minutes to enter the EA website and provide your details. Note that registering will not guarantee access to Battlefield Labs, as EA have said that "Initial invites will be limited to a few thousand participants with servers located in Europe and North America. Over time we'll invite tens of thousands more with support for further territories."

What is Battlefield Labs?

Battlefield Labs

(Image credit: Electronic Arts)

Battlefield Labs is a new initiative from the collective Battlefield Studios teams working on the next title in the series, to test fresh ideas and experiences with players so they can be worked on and refined before release. Under a non-disclosure agreement, those players selected to participate will playtest and feedback on all elements of gameplay, starting with core combat and destruction before moving on to vehicles, weapons, maps, game modes, and even iconic elements such as the class system.

For now, the best place to stay up to date with everything is to join the official Battlefield Discord, where much more information and work-in-progress updates will be posted.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/fps/battlefield-labs-sign-up/ NsAecYQ8nucBqRb3aoDyW8 Mon, 03 Feb 2025 17:35:28 +0000
<![CDATA[ The best Innistrad Remastered cards ]]> The best Innistrad Remastered cards are a mixture of pricey reprints and format staples. With the original Innistrad launching over a decade ago back in 2011, this set contains some valuable remasters of old cards, prints from other Innistrad-themed blocks, and just some general cards thrown in for flavour.

Being a draftable set, and one looking upon the history of Magic: The Gathering, it has already proven to be quite popular if price gougers are anything to go by. However, not being purely Innistrad, this is a set that many will prefer for its singles than its boosters, and there are a few cards you'll really want to keep an eye on to get the highest value. If you ask me, these are the best Innistrad Remastered cards overall and well worth prioritizing.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on what you think of remastered sets), most of this list comprises classic cards that are just worth looking out for. You likely won't find any picks to be too revelatory, but they will give you another reason to think about where your money and deck-building energy goes when it comes to MTG Innistrad Remastered. Taking into account pricing history, favourability in legacy formats like Commander, and just pure flavour, these are the cards you should keep an eye out for when you visit your LGS.

Edgar Markov

Edgar Markov cards against a brown background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

People want him, Commander players fear him. Edgar Markov is the very best vampire Commander, and the single most broken use of the eminence ability. For three colourless, one white, one black, and one red, you get a 4/4 creature that puts 1/1 counters on all vampires every time you attack. This is solid by itself, but he is also not too vulnerable to spot removal because every time you play a vampire spell, you create a 1/1 vampire. This ability happens whether he is on the battlefield or in the command zone. To top all this off, he has first strike and haste, so he can swing immediately for a bunch of damage.

The only real problem with building an Edgar Markov deck is that he previously cost you as much as pretty much any precon by itself. There are four separate versions of this vampire legend in the Innistrad Remastered set so now could be a great time to pick one up.

Emrakul, the Promised End

Emrakul cards against a brown background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

Emrakul, the Promised End is an absolute showstopper, not only being a 13/13 for 13 mana but also giving you the ability to play your opponent's next turn. Usually, this means fizzling all of their spells and firing all their most important creatures straight into your army of soldiers. With flying, trample, and protection from instants, it is also hard to get off the field once it lands.

However, what often brings this from an interesting card to a quick game-ender is the fact that it costs one mana less for each card type among cards in your graveyard. This means it can cost as little as five in legacy formats and six in draft. If you are playing a graveyard deck all about throwing your own library into the great beyond, you can get this great behemoth out on the field in just a handful of turns.

Avacyn, Angel of Hope

Avacyn cards against a white background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

The protector of Innistrad, Avacyn, Angel of Hope had an important job in Magic: The Gathering's lore, and she has the stats to back it up. An 8/8 for five colorless mana and three white, she has flying, vigilance, and gives both herself and other permanents you control indestructible. This is excellent for making your creatures better fighters but also gives you particularly good protection from most board wipes and makes her a pain to get rid of too.

There are only really a handful of exile board wipes, and many of them are quite expensive so you either go drastic to get rid of Avacyn, or she stays until the game is finished. She is a great assurance in any white deck and one of the most iconic white creatures ever.

Snapcaster Mage

A Snapcaster Mage card against a white background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

Hear me out. Snapcaster mage isn't the staple it used to be with MTG's power creep over the last few years, but it's still situationally great and iconic enough in its own right. For one colorless mana and one blue, this flash creature is just a 2/1. Though not very tough, playing Snapcaster allows you to recast any instant or sorcery card in your graveyard. In a control deck, this allows you a lot of versatility and gets a body on the field for blocks. If you've already run through four legal counter spells and your opponents reckon that last card is a bluff, this can catch them by surprise. However, it also shines in singleton formats like Commander.

See, Snapcaster Mage is often better than an extra counter or creature, as it allows you to dynamically react to the battlefield. For just two mana, you get out of committing to a single effect, and now have as many as you have in your graveyard.

Craterhoof Behemoth

Craterhoof Behemoth cards against a brown background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

A Triumph of the Hordes style effect, this card does what green does best: make creature big and make creature smash. For five colorless mana and three green mana, this 5/5 haste creature gives all your creatures trample and +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control. This means that, with just four creatures on your field, all your creatures get +4/+4 and trample. 16 extra damage, this is often enough to win a game right there.

However, being a mono green card, the color identity known for its incredible ramp abilities, you will get up to the eight necessary mana very quick. This is a card that can turn the tide on pretty much any battle and is an awesome way to close out a game.

The Meathook Massacre

Meathook Massacre cards against a beige background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

Continuing the trend of Innistrad showstopper cards, The Meathook Massacre is a board wipe and win condition in one. For two black mana and X mana, you give all creatures -X/-X until the end of turn. The kicker is that when one of your creatures dies, opponents lose one life, and when an opponent's creature dies, you gain 1 life. This means you can technically place this down where X = 0, just as an assurance against a board wipe. If you have enough minions on board, just letting them die could win the game without you even attacking anyone.

The sequel (creatively titled Meathook Massacre II) launched in MTG Duskmourn but this card gives you the ability to say you "like their early work more" — a joy of many a horror fan.

Want to try something a little different? Don't miss the best card games.

https://www.gamesradar.com/tabletop-gaming/the-best-innistrad-remastered-cards/ bCmaXgiPjKQe5D5w5jtxVX Mon, 03 Feb 2025 17:16:54 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to find yellow power crystals in Hello Kitty Island Adventure ]]> The three Hello Kitty Island Adventure yellow power crystals are hard to find, but don’t give up; without the yellow crystals, you can’t advance the main questline and unlock the Lilypad Lagoon region. If you’re stuck, this guide will help you use the Compass Tool and locate the yellow crystals.

Although we’ll show you the exact yellow power crystal locations below, we’ll first explain how to use the Compass Tool, so you have the option to look for them yourself if you want. If you need some help with the temple puzzles, scroll down to the end of this guide.

How to unlock yellow crystals

The gate between Resort Island and Lilypad Lagoon in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

You'll encounter the yellow power crystals during the ‘Power up the Gate’ quest, which is one of the first main quests in the game. If you want to explore new regions in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you must find three yellow crystals and complete this quest. To get started, simply speak with Chococat in the northeastern part of the resort island (the first island).

After fulfilling a bunch of other quest objectives, such as collecting Hello Kitty Island Adventure rubber for Badtz-maru and befriending Tuxedosam, Chococat will hand you a Compass Tool - from now on, you can start searching for the yellow crystals.

How to find Hello Kitty Island Adventure yellow crystals with the Compass Tool

Two stages of the Compass Tool in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

After obtaining the yellow crystals quest in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you can open your journal and track the quest; this will cause a large blue circle to appear on your map. All three yellow crystal locations are found within this blue area.

It’s quite difficult to locate the yellow power crystals on your own, but the Compass Tool is a huge help. If you’d like to give it a try before we reveal the locations below, here’s how to use the Compass Tool:

  1. Open the tool menu (not your inventory). The default PC key is ‘F’.
  2. Select the circular object with purple, red, and golden colours.
  3. Walk around the resort island until the Compass Tool starts shaking. Instead of a blue glow, you will now see a golden glow (see picture above). This means the yellow power crystal is near!
  4. When the Compass Tool starts shaking even faster, thereby turning red, the yellow crystal is very close.

If you need help finding the crystals and solving the temple puzzles, we’ve got a more detailed puzzle guide below.

All Hello Kitty Yellow yellow power crystal locations

A map showing yellow crystal locations in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Don’t want to waste time running around the resort island with your Compass Tool? The above map shows all three yellow crystal locations. I've also explained in more detail how to reach each one, including any puzzles you need to solve to grab it.

Beware that one of the yellow crystal locations is locked behind a small side quest, while the other two are hidden inside temples. To open a temple, stand on one of the two purple buttons in front of the door - Chococat will automatically step on the remaining button, and the door will open. Once inside, solve the temple puzzle to collect the yellow crystal.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure first yellow power crystal location

A yellow power crystal puzzle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Starting from Chococat’s little camp with the crafting table, walk west past the large pier to find the first yellow crystal - it’s inside the temple but you need to solve a puzzle first.

Pick up the golden cube and place it on the purple square (location 1). Cross the bridge and turn left, then climb the spikey wall (location 2). The yellow crystal is waiting for you at the top.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure second yellow power crystal location

Next, for the second yellow crystal in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, take the path southwest past the large resort building and the beach. Approach the pier in the south, but then turn north to find the second temple with a yellow power crystal inside.

To solve this temple puzzle, pick up the golden cube nearest to the entrance and place it on the blue tile (location 1). Walk down the stairs and grab the other golden cube, then place it on the purple tile (location 2). Pick up the first golden cube again, and place it back on the purple tile (location 3). Now you can walk up to the yellow power crystal.

A yellow power crystal puzzle in a temple in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Hello Kitty Island Adventure third yellow power crystal location

Finally, take the main path to the north, leading onto a pier. The third yellow crystal is on the other side, but sadly out of reach. Chococat suggests asking My Melody for help, who’s waiting inside her house. Be sure to bring two Strawberry Crates with you. If you don’t have them yet, take a walk around the island and pick up the tiny pink boxes - they’re quite common.

Give the strawberry boxes to My Melody and lead her back to the pier, where she’ll repair the bridge for you. Grab the third yellow crystal, and you’re done!

With all three yellow power crystals, you can now power up the gate and reach other regions, such as Lilypad Lagoon where you can learn how to dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/adventure/hello-kitty-island-adventure-yellow-power-crystals/ QcHX7sATZkJdmGskBnTt8U Mon, 03 Feb 2025 15:07:20 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to find rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure ]]> Looking for rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure? Rubber is one of the main resources in the game, but it’s devilishly well hidden. It’s important to learn what rubber looks like and where to farm it though, as you’ll need it for various crafting recipes and quest objectives. Without rubber, you can’t advance the storyline.

Don’t worry as this guide will show you how to recognize the Hello Kitty Island Adventure rubber material so you’ll never accidentally walk past it. We’ll also include a handy location for farming rubber consistently.

How to find Hello Kitty Island Adventure rubber

A rubber location in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

When searching for rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, don’t waste your time investigating the trees. Instead, Hello Kitty rubber is found in the form of small purple-and-blue striped balls, one of which is shown in the picture above. You’ll find them scattered across the first island in the game, usually underneath a tree or near some bushes. Once you know what they look like, they’re fairly easy to spot.

To collect the rubber material, simply pick up the rubber ball - this will count as 1x rubber in your inventory, you don’t need to do anything else. While rubber balls spawn in set locations, they do require some respawn time, which is roughly one hour of in-game time. Unfortunately, not every set location will spawn a rubber ball as there can only be around seven rubber balls on the map at the same time.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure rubber locations and farming

A map showing Hello Kitty Island Adventure rubber locations on the first island.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

To help you farm rubber quickly, here’s a farming route you may use. This map includes every rubber location we’ve found on the resort island (first island) in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Beware that the rubber balls spawn infrequently, so it’s best to count on six or seven rubber pieces per farm run rather than 11.

  • Rubber location 1: near some bushes.
  • Rubber location 2: next to Hello Kitty’s house.
  • Rubber location 3: near the bushes.
  • Rubber location 4: behind the torch.
  • Rubber location 5: in front of the building.
  • Rubber location 6: in the thick bush.
  • Rubber location 7: in front of the palm tree, next to the crafting table.
  • Rubber location 8: right next to the path.
  • Rubber location 9: on the shore, west side of the pond.
  • Rubber location 10: next to the large resort building (right side).
  • Rubber location 11: on the beach, next to the tiny wooden fence.

How to use rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

A Hello Kitty Island Adventure player and the NPC called Badtz-maru.

(Image credit: Sunblink)

Rubber is a crafting resource needed to create water balloons and certain gift items. You will also need rubber to complete the ‘Prank Preparation’ and ‘Deep Diving’ quests (three and ten pieces respectively), the latter of which involves crafting a snorkel and shows you how to dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

If you’ve already found some rubber but don’t know how to use it, be sure to do the Prank Preparation quest first - this will unlock the water balloons crafting recipe, which requires rubber. This quest is given to you by Badtz-maru (the gray-blue penguin), who’s located at the pier on the southernmost part of the map.

To unlock Prank Preparation, be sure to advance the ‘Small Gift, Big Smile’ quest until you’ve given Badtz-maru My Melody’s gift (you will receive this quest shortly after starting a new game). You then need to grab the nearby comic book for Badtz-maru and follow him to the comic book stand on the pier, where he’ll give you the Prank Preparation quest.

And that’s how to find rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Have fun with those balloons!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/adventure/hello-kitty-island-adventure-rubber/ ncJGU9f3Vqp4fMQu6b7C7f Mon, 03 Feb 2025 14:39:11 +0000
<![CDATA[ Best Palkia ex deck build in Pokemon TCG Pocket ]]> The best Palkia ex deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket uses the same method as many meta-breaking water-type decks - flooding energy into a high-cost ex card to unleash late-game abilities far earlier than they should normally happen. Palkia's ability is about as high cost as they come - four energy and discarding three every time it's used - but it does huge damage to both the enemy active Pokemon and all their benched teammates. There is definitely a play here, if you can set it up. With that in mind, we'll explain how to make the best Palkia ex deck in the current PTCG meta, as well as what cards go with it and how to play it strategically.

How to make the best Palkia ex deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Best Pokemon TCG Pocket decks

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

The best Palka ex deck in the wake of the Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown is built with the following cards:

  • Palkia ex x2
  • Manaphy x2
  • Eevee (Mythical Island/Continuous Steps Variant) x2
  • Vaporeon (Mythical Island/Wash Out ability Variant) x2
  • Misty x2
  • Cyrus x1
  • Professor's Research x2
  • Giant Cape x2
  • Pokemon Communication x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Sabrina x1

There's a little space for experimentation in the build, depending on how you want to focus your efforts. After all, several of the highest-ranking Pokemon TCG Pocket best decks are Water-types with a similar focus, so there's space to mix them up. Try adding Starmie ex and Staryu in place of Eevee and Vaporeon if you want a more aggro/early game focus, for example, instead of energy control. Alternatively, try items like the Giant Cape to increase Palkia's endurance and ensure it survives long enough to win the game for you, rather than getting taken out too early.

Ultimately though, you shouldn't mess with the core principle - rapid energy generation for Palkia, so it can unleash its main Dimensional Storm as early as possible. Misty and Manaphy are pretty integral to this idea, so keep them in the deck at all costs.

Palkia ex deck strategy and tactics

Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Once you're playing with this Palkia ex deck, the strategy here is relatively simple: ideally you want Manaphy in your opening hand and Palkia on the bench, so you can start channelling energy to the Palkia straight away. Use Misty to speed that up even further, and use Vaporeon to swap energy around between cards to get yourself over that final hump.

The actual moment that you bring Palkia into play will depend on the situation. Discarding 3 energy every use means that you'll probably want at least 5 ready before bringing it out into the active spot, but sometimes circumstances don't allow it. Of course, once you've used Dimensional Storm, you can then use Cyrus to force a wounded, weaker Pokemon into the active spot and try to finish it with the weaker Slash attack.

To summarise, the best Palka ex deck in PTCGP also includes Manaphy, Eevee and Vaporeon, and quickly supplies Palkia with energy to use its devastating Dimensional Storm as early as possible. This makes it one of the most powerful decks to emerge from the Space-Time Smackdown expansion, rivalled only by the Pokemon TCG Pocket Darkrai ex and Weavile ex deck.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/pokemon/pokemon-tcg-pocket-palkia-ex-deck/ 6bGVQEWztEFJSWwRwsDdFi Fri, 31 Jan 2025 16:03:20 +0000
<![CDATA[ Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Darkrai and Weavile ex deck build ]]> The best Pokemon TCG Pocket Darkrai ex and Weavile ex deck is also the best build for dark-types as a whole, and one of the most powerful in the current meta. In the wake of the Space-Time Smackdown expansion, these two cards, combined with Spiritomb, have taken the leaderboards by storm and quickly become one of the best decks around.

So considering that the Weavile/Darkrai pairing is now arguably the best of the best Pokemon TCG Pocket meta decks, it's good to understand how it works and what the components are, even if you don't have the cards yet to build it yourself (as you'll probably find yourself going up against it more than once). With that in mind, here's the best way to build the Weavile ex and Darkrai ex deck in PTCGP, and what the strategies you'll need to use are.

Best Darkrai ex and Weavile ex deck build in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Best Weavile and Darkrai deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

To make the best Darkrai ex and Weavile ex dark-type deck in PTCGP, you should use the following:

  • Sneasel x2
  • Weavile ex x2
  • Darkrai ex x2
  • Spiritomb x2
  • Dawn x2
  • Cyrus x2
  • Professor's Research x2
  • Pokemon Communication x2
  • X Speed x2
  • Poke Ball x2

All the major cards here come from the Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown set, so you'll need to open more than a few packs to fill this out (or alternatively have them sent over by friends via the Pokemon TCG Pocket trading system).

If you're looking for substitutions for this deck, it's tricky to find ones that suffice. The main goal here is to have Weavile or Spiritomb up front and Darkrai on the bench damaging with its ability, so finding other cards that replicate these effects is difficult, especially with Dark-types. Murkrow and Honchkrow can work, but this is a lesser choice: the deck won't be as good, especially depending on what it is you're swapping out to fit them in.

The ultimate strengths of this deck build are a strong early game and good board control. You do a lot of damage from the start, and cards like Cyrus and Pokemon Communication let you keep control of the placement and swap cards out. There's not much set-up required beyond evolving Sneasel once into Weavile, and once that little element is over, all you need to do is to keep firing off damage. Plus, Dark types are usually strong against very common Psychic decks like the meta-topping Pokemon TCG Pocket Mewtwo ex deck.

The downsides of the deck aren't many, but they do exist. There's not much late-game "killshot" powers, none of the cards are really tanky, and a little bit of prep still means that there's a short space to be disrupted.

Darkrai ex and Weavile ex deck strategy and tactics

Best Weavile and Darkrai deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Once you're playing with this deck, the key is to control the board and unleash a stream of relentless damage from an early phase. You don't do much in the way of heavy impacts, instead starting an early barrage of chip damage that can hurt both active and benched Pokemon, refusing to give your opponent the chance to recover.

Weavile ex is really important here, as it does extra damage to injured Pokemon, and should generally be the one you want in the active position. Once there, use Darkrai's nightmare Aura to do a small amount of damage to the opponent, then Weavile follows up with an empowered attack. If that Pokemon is pulled back to the bench, use Cyrus to drag it back out to the active pose to keep up the assault. If a Pokemon is damaged, try to finish it off as a priority without letting up.

From your opening hand, it's best to start the game with Spiritomb. Doing 10 damage to every Pokemon isn't much normally, but that little sliver is what opens the board for Weavile ex to be devastating, a Pokemon which you can evolve on the bench before bringing it in soon afterwards. Having softened the enemy, Weavile will wreck their strategy well enough.

Want another option for a powerful deck that's emerged recently? Check out how to make a fantastic Pokemon TCG Pocket Palkia ex deck here!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/pokemon/pokemon-tcg-pocket-darkrai-weavile-deck/ dDckSNW6PexXYrtSMxstKd Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:03:39 +0000
<![CDATA[ Roblox Anime Defenders codes (Feb 2025) for Gems and more ]]> Roblox Anime Defenders codes can give you a big boost in this tower defense game, as a majority of them will award you with the in-game currency Gems. That in turn is used to summon units, to help you build up your defenses by deploying them against the incoming hordes. There are a few hoops you need to jump through before you can start redeeming promo codes in Anime Defenders, as you not only need to earn enough XP to reach Level 8 but your account must also be at least 90 days old – so if you're a newcomer then you may need to come back again in a few months. However, if you meet the requirements then read on, for your chance to get an assist in this Roblox experience.

If you're a regular visitor to the world of Roblox then you should be familiar with the general Roblox promo codes, which are valid across a wide range of experiences once you've claimed them on your account and give you unique reward items to display on your avatar. Unlike them, these Anime Defenders codes can only be redeemed within the tower defense experience itself, by following the process I outline below. If you're ready to fight off the waves of incoming enemies, then here are all of the Roblox Anime Defenders codes and how to use them to get bonus resources.

All Roblox Anime Defenders codes

Roblox Anime Defenders codes

(Image credit: Roblox Corporation / Small World Games)

At the time of writing, the following Roblox Anime Defenders codes have been checked and verified to be working:

  • ELEMENTS - 1,000 Ancient Relics
  • REDONE - 1 Exclusive Wish
  • SKILLTREES - 5 Divine Trait Crystals
  • incredibilli - 800 Gems
  • subcool - 50 Gems
  • sub2jonaslyz - 50 Gems
  • sub2karizmaqt - 50 Gems
  • sub2mozking - 50 Gems
  • sub2nagblox - 50 Gems
  • sub2riktime - 50 Gems
  • sub2toadboigaming - 50 Gems

If you're having trouble redeeming any of these Anime Defenders codes then make sure that you've entered them exactly as written, to avoid any issues of typing the wrong letters or the code being case-sensitive. Of course, if you get a message saying the code has expired then you are entering it correctly, but it is no longer valid for use.

Roblox Anime Defenders codes

(Image credit: Roblox Corporation / Small World Games)

How to redeem Anime Defenders codes in Roblox

To redeem Anime Defenders codes in Roblox, join a session and then select the '...' button at the top of the screen, before choosing the 'Codes' option from the menu that pops up – as I've highlighted on the screen above. You can then type the promo into the 'Enter Code Here' box that appears and hit the big blue 'Redeem' button to submit it. Note that you must have progressed your character to Level 8 and your account must be 90 days old before you can redeem Roblox Anime Defenders codes, so if you try to follow this process before then you'll receive an error message even though the code you're entering is valid.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/roblox-anime-defenders-codes/ iMSp3HcCHazF9whKaqAW5X Thu, 30 Jan 2025 16:22:30 +0000
<![CDATA[ WWE 2K25 Special Editions and pre-order bonuses guide ]]> All WWE 2K25 Special Editions and pre-order bonuses have been revealed – and there are some big decisions to be made if you’ve already decided to grab this year’s wrestling sim. The WWE 2K25 Bloodline, Deadman, and Standard Edition all offer up unique covers and treats, such as a usable Undertaker urn, or Nation of Domination version of The Rock, and you can get started with them on March 14 – or a week earlier if you opt for one of the Special Editions. Find out all the different options and prices below, in your WWE 2K25 Special Editions guide.

WWE 2K25 The Island explained

Before we get into all the key info, a quick note on The Island. This element of WWE 2K25 is exclusive to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and forms an interactive world based on various WWE themes. You can explore, challenge rival players, complete quests and customise your MySuperstar. Hence a variety of the bonuses offered below being part of The Island. Goddit? Then let’s reveal those big old treats, and special editions…

WWE 2K25 Pre-order bonuses 

WWE 2K25 Standard Edition

(Image credit: 2K)

Anyone who orders WWE 2K25 early, regardless of the specific edition, receives the Wyatt Sicks pack. Included inside are five playable characters, and two cosmetic items for The Island. They are as follows:

  • Uncle Howdy
  • Dexter Lumis
  • Joe Gacy
  • Erick Rowan
  • Nikki Cross
  • Uncle Howdy mask (The Island)
  • Nikki Cross mask (The Island)

WWE 2K25 Standard Edition details

The WWE 2K25 Standard Edition costs $69.99 / £64.99 and features Roman Reigns and his ‘Wiseman’ Paul Heyman on the cover. Buying it gives you dual-gen entitlement across PS5 and PS4, or Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One. It’s also available on PC.

WWE 2K25 Deadman Edition details

WWE 2K25 Deadman Edition

(Image credit: 2K)

The WWE 2K25 Deadman Edition costs $99.99 / £89.99 and comes out on Friday, March 7 – a full seven days ahead of the standard edition. As that name suggests, it features WWE Icon The Undertaker on the cover, and delivers you everything below:

  • Uncle Howdy
  • Dexter Lumis
  • Joe Gacy
  • Erick Rowan
  • Nikki Cross
  • Uncle Howdy mask (The Island)
  • Nikki Cross mask (The Island)
  • Mattel Elite “Greatest Hits” Undertaker
  • Original Undertaker ('90)
  • Mattel Elite “Greatest Hits” Undertaker Persona Card
  • Original Undertaker ('90) Persona Card
  • Urn
  • Brother Love manager
  • Undertaker ’95 mask (The Island)
  • 15,000 VC
  • 5x DLC character packs (post-launch)

WWE 2K25 Bloodline Edition details

WWE 2K25 Bloodline Edition

(Image credit: 2K)

The WWE 2K25 Bloodline Edition is the biggest of the lot. You get all the Standard and Deadman Edition stuff, plus a whole load more themed on Roman Reigns and co. It costs $129.99 / £119.99. Reigns again features on the cover, with Solo Sikoa, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Paul Heyman, Sami Zayn, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga, and Tonga Loa. Here’s everything contained within – and it’s a long list! Again, this version is out on Friday, March 7, a week ahead of the standard edition.

  • Uncle Howdy Dexter Lumis
  • Joe Gacy
  • Erick Rowan
  • Nikki Cross
  • Uncle Howdy mask (The Island)
  • Nikki Cross mask (The Island)
  • Mattel Elite “Greatest Hits” Undertaker
  • Original Undertaker (‘90)
  • Mattel Elite “Greatest Hits” Undertaker Persona card
  • Original Undertaker (‘90) Persona card
  • Urn
  • Brother Love manager
  • Undertaker ’95 mask (The Island)
  • 15,000 VC
  • 5x DLC character packs (post-launch)
  • Season Pass
  • Superstar Mega-Boost
  • The Rock Nation Of Domination
  • The Rock Nation Of Domination Persona card
  • Mattel Elite Series 114 Jey Uso
  • Mattel Elite Series 114 Jey Uso Persona card
  • Mattel Elite ‘Greatest Hits’ Roman Reigns
  • Mattel Elite ‘Greatest Hits’ Roman Reigns Persona card
  • Family Above All Hoodie (The Island)
  • OTC Shirt (The Island)
  • Yeet Tank Top (The Island)
  • Yeet Sunglasses (The Island)
  • Additional 32,500 VC (Steam Only)
  • WrestleMania 41 Arena
  • 2x WrestleMania 41 playable characters (TBC)
  • 2x WrestleMania 41 Personal Cards (TBC)
  • Superstar Persona Card (TBC)

WWE 2K25 Bloodline Dynasty Showcase details

The big reason behind the WWE 2K25 Bloodline Edition is that its characters are the main focus of Showcase mode this year. It’s hosted by Paul Heyman, and throws up classic matches featuring Bloodline and Anoa’i family members, along with some dream bouts too. We’ll have a full match list in a guide here soon, once WWE 2K25 is released.

WWE 2K25 new match types

The most exciting entry on the list of WWE 2K25 new match types is inter gender wrestling. Stars from both the male and female divisions can now compete against one another – so you can pit Rhea Ripley against Dominik Mysterio, or throw Nia Jax into the ring with LA Knight. Bloodline Rules Matches and Underground Matches are also in, along with the return of chain wrestling. We’ll have more details on all of these in our upcoming WWE 2K25 hands-on.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/wwe-2k/wwe-2k25-bloodline-deadman-standard-edition-pre-order-bonuses/ VLZ2MnxPz49BtpQJQVEvEE Tue, 28 Jan 2025 13:01:00 +0000
<![CDATA[ Everything you need to know about MTG Innistrad Remastered ]]>

Edgar Markov foil special card standing on a surface amongst vampire fans, chains, and blood vials in front of a stained glass windows

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

1. What is it?
2. Release date
4. Mechanics
5. Tips
6. Story
7. Deals

MTG Innistrad Remastered is here like a bat out of hell. Indeed, the horror-themed set just launched with a bevvy of products underwing. But what's it all about, and should you bother signing up for this gothic encore?

To help you navigate Magic's eeriest setting, our resident tabletop nerds have weighed in with everything you need to know about MTG Innistrad Remastered. You'll find everything from release dates to mechanics here. We've been sure to include the cheapest available deals as well.

Unsure of which cards to prioritize? Not to worry. We've also consulted with Magic: The Gathering experts to fill you in on what an ideal MTG Innistrad Remastered deck should look like. If you're hoping to dominate the battlefield in one of the best card games, these tips should help.

What is MTG Innistrad Remastered?

A female vampire holds a paintbrush soaked in blood in front of an ornate window and a painting of roses

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • The first release of 2025
  • Revisits classic setting & cards
  • Gothic horror-themed

As the name would suggest, this set revisits the eerie world of Innistrad - a realm of vampires, werewolves, undead, and all things baroque. It was introduced in 2011 and has featured in numerous expansions since then. Indeed, there have been more than six sets in total. (It seems as though publisher Wizards of the Coast subscribes to the "if it ain't baroque, don't fix it" school of thought.)

However, Remastered isn't an entirely new entry. It revives cards from every previous set alongside adding some retro frames to help fans relive the glory days.

Innistrad Remastered isn't like normal MTG releases, though; it doesn't include any premade Commander decks and is instead limited to Play and Collector booster packs.

MTG Innistrad Remastered release date

Leliana card on bricks amongst chains, skulls, and zombie models

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

The wait for MTG Innistrad Remastered is over! The set is now available, and launched on January 24, 2025.

Here's the exact schedule:

  • Premium Preview Events: January 17 - 23
    Full tabletop release: January 24

It's worth pointing out that this is only available as a physical product; Innistrad Remastered is not available on MTG Arena.

MTG Innistrad Remastered products

MTG Innistrad Remastered artwork of a ferryman revenant and a man cowering in a boat

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • Only Play & Collector boosters
  • No precons, pre-release, or bundles

What's available for MTG Innistrad Remastered? Unlike so many Magic launches, the horror set has just a couple of items available; there aren't any of the usual bundles, pre-release packs, or precon Commander decks.

Here's what's available.

Play boosters

The ever-reliable Play boosters are your main way of getting MTG Innistrad Remastered cards. These can be used to create decks of any type or to play Limited formats like Draft or Sealed.

Play Booster | View at Amazon
This 14-card booster pack is made up mostly of Commons, but does contain between one and four cards of Rare rarity or higher. At least 1 Traditional Foil card of any rarity is featured as well alongside a guaranteed retro frame card, and in 20% if packs you might also receive a Traditional Foil Land.

Play Booster Box | View at Amazon
This mega-box features 36 Play Boosters, so you're getting over 500 cards if you buy it. If you play a lot of Draft, are a collector, or wish to make an entirely new deck based on Innistrad Remastered, this is the best option.

Collector boosters

If you have a soft spot for the prettiest cards or want to collect alternate art, Collector Booster packs should be on your radar. These are more expensive on the whole, particularly when bought individually, but they offer card designs you simply can't get elsewhere.

Collector Booster | View on Amazon
Basic Collector Boosters contain 15 cards each and boast four cards of guaranteed Rare or higher rarity. They also feature six alt-frame cards that can include Retro-frame, borderless, or Movie Poster designs.

Collector Booster Box | View at Amazon
If you're all in on the Innistrad Remastered hype-train (or really want those alt-art designs), this multi-pack should serve you well. It features 12 packs in total, all with 15 cards each.

MTG Innistrad Remastered mechanics

Meathook Massacre card on concrete blocks, with hooks and chains all around it

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

Seeing as it's a rework rather than an entirely new set, MTG Innistrad Remastered shouldn't surprise fans. Still, that doesn't mean it's business as usual. There are a few returning mechanics of note players may wanna pay attention to.

  • Transforming double-faced cards: Because this is a world of monsters, it's fitting that Innistrad debuted a special kind of double-sided card. Werewolves are a good example. One half will feature the creature's human form, while the other shows them as a monster. This is normally activated by a particular trigger, like no sorceries being cast on your turn.
  • Meld: This is a particularly nasty effect that will ruin your opponent's whole day. Meld cards are double-sided, and they combine to form a super monster.
  • Blood: These tokens can be discarded to draw cards, or transform certain creatures.
  • Disturb: As is only right for a ghostly world, Disturb lets you cast the back side of a card from your graveyard by paying its Disturb cost rather than the mana cost.
  • Undying: If a card with this dies and it doesn't have any plus counters, it's returned to your hand with +1/+1.
  • Flashback: Like the name suggests, this ability allows you to bring a card back from the graveyard if you pay the Flashback cost. It must then be exiled.
  • Emerge: You're able to cast this card by sacrificing a creature, all simulating nasty things bursting from a body. Yuk.
  • Investigate: Players who use Investigate are able to create a Clue token, which can be discarded to draw a card.
  • Soulbond: You can bond two cards together if you like for specific benefits.
  • Madness: If your cards have Madness, you can cast them when they're discarded.
  • Miracle: Players who draw this card first can cast it for the Miracle cost rather than the mana cost.
  • Escalate: Pay a certain amount to choose one of multiple effects.

MTG Innistrad Remastered tips

A man in red armor holds a wine glass filled with blood, while seated on a skeleton throne

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

What should you look out for when it comes to MTG Innistrad Remastered? I brought the matter to an expert Magic player and writer on our sister site, PC Gamer (James Bentley), to find out. While you can get a full overview in our guide to the best Innistrad Remastered cards, here's an overview.

"The best and worst part of picking out the best cards from a remastered set is that the cards in question will either be staples of the genre or have some sort of appeal through sheer iconography. You won’t see too many surprises but long-term value is there, because it was already there. From this set, I recommend keeping an eye out for..."

  • Edgar Markov: "Prioritize this elder Markov for his excellent vampire synergy and remarkably strong eminence effect. He can build even more vampires without even being on the field and buffs them whenever he attacks, which he is very good at thanks to haste and first strike."
  • Emrakul, the Promised End: "Alright, putting in a big splashy Eldrazi might feel like cheating, but Emrakul, the Promised End is worth of inclusion despite it. A 13/13 for 13 mana that can be cheated out with some funky graveyard shenanigans, that also take control of your opponent for a turn, is already strong. But give it trample, flying, and protection from instants and it's on another level."
  • Avacyn, Angel of Hope: "An indestructible beast that makes all your other permanents indestructible too. Pair this with a 'destroy all creatures' effect and watch everything but your board get taken out."
  • Snapcaster Mage: "This blue creature gives a sorcery or instant in your graveyard flashback, a versatile spell that also gives you a chump blocker on the field. What's not to love?"
  • Craterhoof Behemoth: "If you like big stompy creatures, Craterhoof Behemoth is the pinnacle of them, being a 6/6 trampler that buffs other creatures for the amount you have on the field. It's strong, but also just iconic."
  • Meathook Massacre: "Finally, Meathook Massacre is arguably better than its recent sequel, not only being a board wipe with the right mana but also giving you health and ping enemies for damage with every creature that dies. This can end a game instantly if your opponents don't have a response."

MTG Innistrad Remastered story

Avacyn card on bricks festooned with feathers and chains

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • No story for this set
  • Based in a world of vampires & undead

Because this isn't a mainline MTG set, Innistrad Remastered doesn't feature a story in the traditional sense. However, you will find fun asides on some cards as always that should provide some much-needed flavor.

The artwork provides atmosphere to spare, too. This is a grim world filled with vampires, zombies, ghosts, werewolves, and other terrors inspired by Gothic literature a la Dracula, so the realm's humans spend much of their time living in fear. Although there are a few noble heroes who seek to push back the tide (like the late Archangel Avacyn, RIP), Innistrad's most notable character is the vampiric planeswalker Sorin Markov.

Best MTG Innistrad Remastered deals

MTG Innistrad Remastered artwork of a hunter glaring at a tentacled creature

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

Want to save some cash when collecting MTG Innistrad Remastered? No problem. We've set our bargain-hunting software the task of rounding up the best available prices. You'll find these below from a variety of trusted retailers.

New to all this? Be sure to check our guide on how to play Magic: The Gathering, or this feature on how to play MTG Commander.

https://www.gamesradar.com/tabletop-gaming/everything-we-know-about-mtg-innistrad-remastered/ bunSVAF7QSZddxZGggSzpA Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:44:26 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get Diablo 4 Coven's Favor fast ]]> Diablo 4 Coven's Favor measures your reputation with Gelena and the other witches based at The Tree of Whispers, and is a crucial element of your progress through the Season of Witchcraft. Earning Coven's Favor to improve your rank will unlock more seasonal side quests so you can progress the storyline, as well as providing access to additional Witchcraft powers so you can fully embrace the powerful magic now available in Diablo 4. If you're looking for the best way to increase your standing with your witch allies, then here's how to get Coven's Favor in Diablo 4 fast.

How to earn Coven's Favor in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Coven's Favor

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

The main method for earning Coven's Favor in Diablo 4 is to collect Grim Favors by completing Whispers, as each Grim Favor earned adds one Coven's Favor to your total. To find Whispers, open your map then look for their icons in the red or blue shaded regions, which you can hover over for a description of the challenge and confirmation how many Grim Favors you'll receive for completing it. These can involve slaying specific types of monster in the area, finding certain items, escorting or protecting NPCs, and more, with the reward being 1, 3, or 5 Grim Favors based on the difficulty of the task. Keep an eye on the Whispers of the Dead progress bar at the bottom of the map screen, as every time this reaches or exceeds 10 Grim Favors you won't be able to earn any more until you visit the Tree of Whispers or a Raven of the Tree to turn them in.

Once you've completed the Season of Witchcraft campaign by clearing The Grim Service seasonal side quest available at Rank 9, you'll unlock Gelena as a vendor you can visit at the Tree of Whispers. Gelena can craft the Coven's Debt scroll, which awards you with 100 Coven's Favor but costs 500 Restless Rot, so there is a significant price for that progress boost.

Rewards unlocked with Coven's Favor in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Coven's Favor

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

The Coven is based in the area next to The Tree of Whispers, so you should already have a portal activated there for Diablo 4 fast travel to get to it quickly from anywhere in Sanctuary. Close to The Tree of Whispers itself you'll see the Coven's Favor board, which you can interact with to display your current Coven's Favor Rank along with progress towards reaching the next one. Using the section below the progress bar, you can claim any rewards that you've unlocked with Coven's Favor in Diablo 4, which are divided across 20 Ranks:

  1. Restless Rot cache
  2. Coven Parcel cache
    In The Name of The Tree seasonal side quest
  3. More Witchcraft cache
    Diablo 4 Poison in the Roots seasonal side quest
  4. Lesser Elements of Witchcraft cache
    A Friend in Need seasonal side quest
  5. More Witchcraft cache
    The Crux of the Rot seasonal side quest
  6. Lesser Elements of Witchcraft cache
    The Burden of Family seasonal side quest
  7. More Witchcraft cache
    Adrift in the Doldrums seasonal side quest
  8. Legendary Coven Crate cache
    A Witch's Choice seasonal side quest
  9. Unique Coven Crate cache
    The Grim Service seasonal side quest
  10. Elements of Witchcraft cache
  11. Lesser Elements of Nemesis cache
  12. Legendary Coven Crate cache
  13. Unique Coven Crate cache
  14. Legendary Coven Crate cache
  15. Ancestral Coven Crate cache
  16. Greater Elements of Witchcraft cache
  17. Legendary Coven Crate cache
  18. Elements of Nemesis cache
  19. Legendary Coven Crate cache
  20. Resplendent Coven Crate cache (contains three guaranteed Ancestral Legendaries and a Diablo 4 Resplendent Spark)

A lot of these rewards are caches, that can drop Unique or Legendary Weapons and Armor relevant to your class when you open them, while others unlock new Witchcraft powers that can be purchased at the Witches' Altars and seasonal side quests to further the current storyline.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/diablo/diablo-4-covens-favor/ DknyTymnewfaPkMCkpPJqX Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:37:49 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to perform the Diablo 4 Poison in the Roots Ritual ]]> The Diablo 4 Poison in the Roots Ritual is integral to the storyline in the Season of Witchcraft, in which you need to cleanse the Tree of Whispers before hunting down the missing Heads that previously hung there. To complete the ritual you need to work with your new allies in the Coven, then harness the powerful magic now available in Diablo 4 to draw out the Hollow so the tree can be cleansed. If you're not sure how to complete the steps in the correct order, then here's a walkthrough for the Poison in the Roots quest in Diablo 4.

How to invoke the Tree's Old Name in the correct order in Diablo 4

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

For the first part of the Diablo 4 Poison in the Roots Ritual, you need to observe Galena prepare the Ritual before repeating her steps to invoke the Tree's Old Name in the correct order. You are given the choice of three Ritual Braziers to interact with, which you need to trigger in the right sequence to repeat the required words and progress the ceremony. Interact with them in the order marked above as follows:

  1. "Ayh." (bottom left)
  2. "Yew." (bottom right)
  3. "Oun." (top)

If you triggered the Ritual Brazier in the correct sequence then three vials of Nangari Blood will spawn, letting you move on to the next stage of the Diablo 4 Poison in the Roots Ritual.

How to trace the Ritual Circle with Nangari Blood in Diablo 4

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

In the second part of the Diablo 4 Poison in the Roots Ritual, you need to draw the Ritual Circle with Nangari Blood. To do this, simply grab the three blood vials that spawned, then run along the line of the circle drawn out on the ground. There's no prompt to interact with, but if you're following the line correctly then you'll see Nangari Blood appearing around the perimeter of the circle. Once the Ritual Circle has been completed, you'll hit the final stage where you need to defeat all of the incoming Hollows to stop them getting into the circle. See that through, then you can leave the Ritual Circle to speak with Gelena and wrap up the Poison in the Roots quest in Diablo 4.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/diablo/diablo-4-poison-in-the-roots-ritual/ DpBREP7TMqUmqnCBUjwxsj Fri, 24 Jan 2025 16:24:06 +0000
<![CDATA[ Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown release date and details ]]> The new Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion set is out now, which means there's another influx of cards to get collecting. The theme for this set is the Sinnoh Pokedex starting at Gen 4, with legendary Pokemon Dialga ex and Palkia ex headlining the arrival of well over a hundred fresh cards. With so many new Pokemon entering circulation, this expansion is bound to have an effect on the best decks meta, while the addition of the long-awaited trading feature could also change the playing field for many. For the latest details, here's everything you need to know about the Space-Time Smackdown expansion for Pokemon TCGP, with all of the details revealed so far.

Release date and details for Space-Time Smackdown in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Here are all the major details we've seen about the Pokemon TCGP Space-Time Smackdown expansion set.

  • Release date: January 30, 2025 (out now!)
  • Number of Cards: 140+
  • New Booster Packs: 2 (Dialga / Palkia)
  • Theme: The Sinnoh Region (Generation 4)
  • Noteworthy features: Trading (goes live January 29, 2025) and Pokemon Tools

This is a far larger expansion than the prior Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island set that was released back in December 2024, nearly twice the size in terms of how many cards players will be able to collect.

Below, we'll go into more detail on all the most exciting features that have been noted so far, so players know what to expect.

Best cards in Space-Time Smackdown

Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

We've seen multiple cards in the promotional trailer for the Space-Time Smackdown, which revealed the existence of all the following new Pokemon cards:

  • Dialga ex (Steel)
  • Palkia ex (Water)
  • Pachirisu ex (Electric)
  • Turtwig (Grass)
  • Chimchar (Fire)
  • Piplup (Water)
  • Leafeon (Grass)
  • Honchkrow (Dark)
  • Cresselia (Unknown)
  • Togekiss (Unknown)
  • Lucario (Fighting)
  • Gible (Dragon)
  • Garchomp (Dragon)
  • Cynthia (Trainer Card)

We can also make some educated guesses about what other cards might be added - the evolutions of certain cards, for example.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Of all the cards revealed, early glimpses make it look as though the best card in Space-Time Smackdown so far is Palkia ex. This is a 150 HP water-type Basic ex card, with two attacks: a 1-energy Slash for 30 damage and a 4-energy Dimensional Storm, which does 150 damage and 20 to each of the opponent's benched Pokemon, but does force you to discard three Water energy when used.

The continued existence of Misty, a card which can rapidly supercharge Water-type cards, is responsible for several of the Pokemon TCG Pocket best decks in play right now. And considering that Palkia ex is also durable and can immediately come out swinging with a 1-energy attack… yeah, it's clearly going to be a strong contender, even if it doesn't emerge as the best card.

Pokemon Tools in Space-Time Smackdown

Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

While we haven't seen them yet, the flavour text for Pachirisu ex mentions and confirms the existence of Pokemon Tools being added to Pokemon TCG Pocket. These are special cards that have yet to be added to the game, in which you can add them to a benched or active Pokemon card on your team for a benefit. Assuming they work the same way as they do in the physical game, a Pokemon can only have one tool at a time, and you cannot un-attach them afterwards. In that degree, they are the equivalent of "Held Items" from the Pokemon video games.


Pokemon TCG Pocket trading

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

The long-promised Pokemon TCG Pocket trading feature went live the day before Space-Time Smackdown. Our guide goes into more detail on that feature, but the following was confirmed in advance about trading:

"Releasing on Jan. 29, 2025, the new trade feature will allow players to trade their digital Pokémon cards with friends, broadening options for growing card collections in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket. Players will need to use two new items, trade hourglasses and trade tokens, in order to trade cards with a rarity of ♦1-4 and ★1 with cards of the same rarity. Upon release of the new feature, players will be able to trade certain cards from the Genetic Apex and Mythical Island expansions, with plans currently in place to expand the lineup of tradeable cards in future updates."

This means that players actually won't be able to trade cards from the Space-Time Smackdown expansion when it launches, and will instead have to wait for that option. It also means that all the Pokemon TCG Pocket rarest cards can't be traded, so if you wanted somebody's gold Mewtwo ex, you won't get it.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/pokemon/pokemon-tcg-pocket-space-time-smackdown/ 5owLJXjbmhJQkW5W4pPpFN Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:02:35 +0000
<![CDATA[ GTA Online Yuanbao locations and where to find all 36 ingots ]]> GTA Online Yuanbao is the latest collectible to be stashed around Los Santos and Blaine County, as part of the ongoing Lunar New Year celebrations. These small metal ingots are a traditional symbol of wealth and prosperity, and by rounding them up you can get some of that for yourself by earning GTA$ and RP, along with unlocking a stylish LNY outfit for finding them all. While some of the collectibles in GTA Online require a huge time investment, there are only 36 Yuanbao to locate which makes the process less daunting – however you only have until February 12, 2025 to find these limited time items before they expire, so don't put off your search much longer. If you're ready to hunt them down, then here's where to find all of the Yuanbao in GTA Online.

How to find GTA Online Yuanbao

(Image: © Rockstar Games)

The GTA Online Yuanbao collectibles are small metal ingots, and as you can see from the image above they're not much to look at, so you'll need to keep your eyes peeled. These 36 items can appear anywhere from seats and walls to the rooftops of buildings, so be prepared to search each area until you locate them. As you get closer to a GTA Online Yuanbao location you'll hear percussion music getting louder and your pad will start vibrating, so use these cues to hone in on exactly where it is. Once you've found it, follow the prompt to grab the collectible and receive your reward, along with a count of how many you've now found.

GTA Online Yuanbao locations

Click to expand full map (Image credit: Rockstar Games)

I've tagged all 36 GTA Online Yuanbao locations on the map above, and while many of them are dotted around Los Santos you will also need to travel north around Blaine County to pick up the rest. As is usually the case with collectibles, the best approach is to jump into an Invite Only lobby so you can safely move around with interruptions, then use a helicopter or ideally an Oppressor Mk II to quickly hop from one location to the next. While there's an in-game counter to tell you how many Yuanbao you've collected so far, it doesn't say which ones they are, so I recommend you save a copy of this map and use that to mark them off as you go. If you're really struggling to find a particular Yuanbao, there's now a Collectible Scanner you can purchase for the Terrorbyte to ping their locations when nearby, or you can refer to this interactive map from GTAWeb.

What are the GTA Online Yuanbao rewards?

The GTA Online Yuanbao reward outfit

The Gold Snake Santo Capra outfit (Image credit: Rockstar Games)

For each GTA Online Yuanbao ingot you find, you'll be rewarded with $888 plus 888 RP, and if you track down all 36 ingots then you'll receive $88,888 for the final collectible. This takes your total earnings if you get every one to $119,968 and 31,968 RP, so it's definitely worth looking into. On top of that, gathering all 36 Yuanbao will also unlock the exclusive Gold Snake Santo Capra outfit, which is the perfect clothing to wear during the Lunar New Year celebrations.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/grand-theft-auto/gta-online-yuanbao/ Rd5jp8bFG7wjLCruiGPyCC Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:00:07 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to earn Danqing in the Marvel Rivals Fortune and Colors event ]]> Marvel Rivals Danqing is mainly earned by completing Fortune and Colors event challenges while playing the new Clash of the Dancing Lions mode. They're generally very easy challenges and you can spend the Danqing you earn from them on exclusive lunar new year-themed cosmetics. While you can buy lion-themed cosmetic packs for Black Widow and Iron Fist in the Marvel Rivals store, there are plenty of free items to unlock, including sprays, nameplates, and the Lion's Mane costume for Star-Lord. Here's everything you need to know about earning Danqing in Marvel Rivals and how you can spend it.

The Fortune and Colors event ends on February 14, 2025, at 9AM UTC, which is 1AM PST / 4AM EST / 9AM GMT.

How to get Marvel Rivals Danqing and spend it

Marvel Rivals Fortune and Colors event challenges awarding danqing

(Image credit: NetEase)

Danqing is the key currency in the inaugural Marvel Rivals Fortune and Colors lunar new year event, and you earn it by completing event challenges and missions, most of which are related to the limited-time Clash of the Dancing Lions game mode. Some regular challenges, which can be completed in any mode, also offer small amounts of Danqing as well as Chrono Tokens for your Marvel Rivals battle pass.

These are unfortunately time-gated, so you'll have to play regularly over the course of the three-week event to guarantee you get all the Danqing you need. However, from February 6, you'll also be able to exchange Units for Danqing. Units are much harder to earn and are used to buy many non-battle pass cosmetics, so I'd avoid this unless nothing in the in-game store takes your interest.

Marvel Rivals Fortune and Colors menu with rewards for spending danqing

(Image credit: NetEase)

However you get your Danqing in Marvel Rivals, you can navigate to the Fortune and Colors event page via the game's home menu and spend it in batches of 100 by pressing the Paint button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This paints a section of the background illustration and contributes towards the rewards progress bar which unlocks the following cosmetics in this order, although the exact amount of Danqing needed to unlock each reward isn't specified:

  1. Drum and Roar nameplate
  2. Snake's Luck spray
  3. 200 Chrono Tokens
  4. Lion's Mane nameplate
  5. Lion's Mane spray
  6. Lion's Mane Star-Lord costume
  7. "Of Festivals and Friends" gallery card memento

Playing a bit of the 3v3 basketball-like Clash of the Dancing Lions arcade mode might make for a good break between Marvel Rivals ranked matches. There's also plenty more to look forward to after this event ends, particularly when it comes to Marvel Rivals upcoming characters.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/third-person-shooter/marvel-rivals-danqing-fortune-and-colors/ AZAP8XVmZV2HgcoHvTZNj6 Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:15:23 +0000
<![CDATA[ How to get Destiny 2 Twitch Drops and link your accounts ]]> Unlocking Destiny 2 Twitch Drops emblems requires you to have your Bungie.net and Twitch accounts linked, and then you'll need to watch some Destiny streamers. You won't get any upgrade materials or cool guns for doing this but an emblem is still loot. I've outlined the entire process below, including how to claim rewards once you've unlocked them, so if a Twitch Drop in Destiny 2 takes you fancy, here's what you need to do.

How to link your Twitch and Bungie.net accounts to get Twitch Drops

Destiny 2 Twitch Drops accounts linked on bungie.net

(Image credit: Bungie)

To get Destiny 2 Twitch Drops, you need to have your Bungie and Twitch accounts linked which you do by following these steps:

  • Log into Bungie.net. This obviously needs to be account that you use to play Destiny 2.
  • Click on your account icon in the top-right corner to open a sidebar menu, then click on Settings.
  • Click on Account Linking in the menu list on the left then find the Twitch section and click on Link Account.
  • Log into your Twitch account if you haven't already done so.
  • Click Authorize when prompted to link your accounts.

How to unlock Twitch Drops in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Twitch Drops Golden Hour emblem

(Image credit: Twitch)

Now that your accounts are linked, here are the Twitch Drops you can get in Destiny 2 and how to unlock them:

  • Golden Hour emblem: Subscribe to any channel broadcasting Destiny 2. Available from January 20, 2025, to January 31, 2025.

Once you've met the requirements for the above Twitch Drops emblems, you should be notified that the reward is ready to be claimed. Once you've claimed it, the relevant emblem should automatically unlock on your Destiny 2 account, and you'll be able to find it in-game under the Flair menu within your Collections. If a reward doesn't appear, try checking your Partner Rewards under Code Redemption on Bungie.net as you may need to claim it from there instead.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

https://www.gamesradar.com/games/destiny/destiny-2-twitch-drops/ qc8R5jLP4L3dcZdK6ubK8b Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:59:46 +0000