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As Spyro the Dragon turns 25, we remember what made the purple platformer such a fierce fire starter
By Adam Barnes published
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Join us as we celebrate a quarter-century of one of video games' most iconic mascots
Retro Gamer's latest issue goes big on Rare, and it's out now
By Retro Gamer Team published
News Issue 250 has a gigantic Rare feature and a fantastic 32-page book
The latest issue of Retro Gamer Celebrates Sonic The Hedgehog 3
By Retro Gamer Team published
News Takashi Iizuka looks back at the classic Mega Drive game
A reboot of Rockstar's iconic racing game is unlikely as it "still stands up today"
By Liv Ngan published
News Engine-ious stuff
One of last year's most nostalgic retro beat 'em ups is getting an online co-op mode
By Hope Bellingham published
News Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons' developer is just perfecting single-player first
Future Games Show to broadcast Gamescom showcase on August 23
By Jordan Oloman published
News Join us for over 40 new trailers in our annual Fall showcase, showcasing the most exciting titles from Gamescom 2023
Don’t miss Retro Gamer’s Sega special
By Retro Gamer Team published
News Issue 247 features OutRun 2 and includes a fantastic 32-page book
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild director on how Link embraced the open world
By Chris Schilling published
Feature A legend in his own right, Hidemaro Fujibayashi explores how Zelda reinvented itself in Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is the weirdest, most wonderful tribute to Four Swords
By Chris Schilling published
Feaeture The multiplayer effort that's underpinned by Four Swords and Spirit Tracks is off the wall in the all the right ways
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds shook things up in the shadow of a 16-bit classic
By Alan Wen published
Feature A Link Between Worlds paid deference to the past before striding into the future
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – the beginning of the legend and a heroic swan song for the Wii
By Alan Wen published
Feature Launched in the same year as Skyrim and Dark Souls, Skyward Sword more than held its own
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks carried the Phantom Hourglass torch to the next station
By Tom Sykes published
Feature Another sleeper hit for the DS that's well worth a return ticket today
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is one of the most unique games of them all
By Tom Sykes published
Feature The direct sequel to The Wind Waker dared to be different on the DS in 2007
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess marked the end of the GameCube era and the dawn of the Wii
By David Meikleham published
Feature An exploration of how Twilight Princess moved with the times
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap was smaller in scale but massive in heart and ambition
By Nikole Robinson published
FEATURE Hats off to the the 12th Zelda series entry that's full of heart
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is an oft-overlooked GameCube standout
By Darran Jones published
FEATURE This evolution of Capcom's multiplayer mode in the GBA's A Link To The Past is a stone-cold classic
The making of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
By Luke Albiges published
FEATURE A deep dive into the Zelda adventure that once sailed closest to the series' beginnings
One iconic Tomb Raider 2 character was "a very last-minute addition"
By Anne-Marie Ostler published
news Lara's butler was going to be left in the cold one way or another